When Revealed: Each player must choose: either raise your threat by 1 for each ally you control, or deal 1 damage to each ally you control.
Shadow: Raise your threat by 1 for each enemy engaged with you.
When Revealed: The player with the most cards in his hand without a copy of Lost in the Wilderness adds Lost in the Wild to his hand. (While in a player's hand, Lost in the Wild gains: "Cannot be discarded by player card effect.Forced: After you play a card, discard each card in your hand.")
When Revealed: Attach to the hero with the most attachments without Weighed Down attached. Then, exhaust attached hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: After attached hero readies, choose and discard an attachment from it. You cannot choose Weighed Down unless attached hero has no other non-objective attachments.")