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Quest Points
Trait Keyword Victory
Player Encounter Quest
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Results: 9 Cards
The Wizard's Quest (x1)
1 A

Concerned about the growing darkness in southern Mirkwood, Radagast sent an Eagle to spy on Dol Guldur. When the Eagle returned with an evil wound, the Wizard sent word to the White Council and asked for heroes to investigate.

Setup: Add Rhosgobel to the staging area. The opposing team searches the encounter deck for one different 0 cost enemy or 0 cost location per player and adds them to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

You are on your way to Rhosgobel in answer to Radagast's summons, but the deepening shadows of Mirkwood threaten to envelope you before you even reach the Wizard's sanctuary.

Forced: When Rhosgobel is explored, flip it over and add Rider of Mirkwood to the staging area.

This stage cannot be defeated while Rhosgobel is in play.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
2 A

Radagast asks that you travel to Dol Guldur to measure the Enemy's strength there. The Anduin vale is too closely watched, so you make your way through the perils of Mirkwood forest.

When Revealed: The opposing team searches the top 5 cards of the encounter deck for a card with 1 or less (cost 2 or less if there are two or more players), set it aside, and shufles the encounter deck. Reveal the set aside card. Its 'when revealed' effects cannot be canceled.

2 B

When Revealed: The opposing team searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a location with cost 2 or less, adds it to the staging area, and places a resource on it. Shuffle the encounter deck.

The location with a resource on it is immune to player card effects and the players cannot travel to it while this stage has any quest points remaining. This stage cannot be defeated while the location with a resource on it is in play.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
2 A

Radagast asks that you travel to Dol Guldur to measure the Enemy's strength there. The Anduin vale is too closely watched, so you make your way through the perils of Mirkwood forest.

When Revealed: The opposing team searches the top 5 cards of the encounter deck for a card with 1 or less (cost 2 or less if there are two or more players), set it aside, and shufles the encounter deck. Reveal the set aside card. Its 'when revealed' effects cannot be canceled.

2 B

When Revealed: The opposing team chooses an ally controlled by each player and places them faceup under this stge as guarded objectives with blank text boxes.

Players cannot play or put into play any ally that shares a title with an ally guarded by this stage. When this stage is defeated, return each guarded ally to its owner's hand.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
2 A

Radagast asks that you travel to Dol Guldur to measure the Enemy's strength there. The Anduin vale is too closely watched, so you make your way through the perils of Mirkwood forest.

When Revealed: The opposing team searches the top 5 cards of the encounter deck for a card with 1 or less (cost 2 or less if there are two or more players), set it aside, and shufles the encounter deck. Reveal the set aside card. Its 'when revealed' effects cannot be canceled.

2 B

This stage gets +5 quest points per player.

Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, Rider of Mirkwood makes an immediate attack against the first player.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
3 A

The dark form of Dol Guldur rises up ahead. The servants of the Enemy patrol the surrounding woods. You must take great care to gather what information you can and return with news to Rhosgobel before it's too late.

When Revealed: The opposing team searches the top 5 cards of the encounter deck for a card with cost 2 or less (3 or less if there are two or more players), sets it aside, and shuffles the encounter deck. Reveal the set aside card. Its 'when revealed' effects cannot be canceled.

3 B

Forced: After the players have committed characters to the quest, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a treachery is discarded. Reveal that treachery.

If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
3 A

The dark form of Dol Guldur rises up ahead. The servants of the Enemy patrol the surrounding woods. You must take great care to gather what information you can and return with news to Rhosgobel before it's too late.

When Revealed: The opposing team searches the top 5 cards of the encounter deck for a card with cost 2 or less (3 or less if there are two or more players), sets it aside, and shuffles the encounter deck. Reveal the set aside card. Its 'when revealed' effects cannot be canceled.

3 B

When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Each player discards from the top of the encounter deck until he discards an enemy, adds that enemy to the staging area, and attached a hero he controls to it as a guarded objective (discard all tokens from the chosen hero).

If there is an unguarded hero in the staging area, return it to its owner's control, exhausted. This stage cannot be defeated while there is a guarded objective in play. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
3 A

The dark form of Dol Guldur rises up ahead. The servants of the Enemy patrol the surrounding woods. You must take great care to gather what information you can and return with news to Rhosgobel before it's too late.

Rider of Mirkwood's engagement cost is considered to be 0.

The number of damage tokens on Rider of Mirkwood cannot exceed the number of progress tokens on this stage.

Players cannot defeat this stage while Rider of Mirkwood is in play. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
Forest. Village.

Immune to player card effects.

Response: After the players travel to Rhosgobel, add 1 resource to each hero's pool and each player draws 1 card.

The Wizard's Quest (x1)
50 X 6 3 10

Immune to player card effects.

X is 1 more than the stage number of the main quest.

Cannot leave the staging area unless the players are at stage 3B.