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Card Talk


Spirit Con Cards [Sep 21, 2021]

Guest Host Eric Shell: ALeP Spoiler and Con of the Rings Convo [Sep 14, 2021]

Lore Con Cards [Sep 07, 2021]

Leadership Con Cards [Aug 31, 2021]

Meneldor [Aug 24, 2021]

Leadership Merry [Aug 11, 2021]

Eagles of the Misty Mountains [Aug 04, 2021]

Hero Radagast [Jul 27, 2021]

Guest Host Matt Kell AKA Kattattack22 [Jul 20, 2021]

Dawn Take You All [Jul 06, 2021]

Spoiler: Con of the Rings 2021 [Jun 15, 2021]

Daeron's Runes [Jun 08, 2021]

A Test of Will [Jun 01, 2021]

Last Stand [May 25, 2021]

Leadership Eomer [May 18, 2021]

Grimbeorn the Old [May 11, 2021]

Tactics Beregond [May 05, 2021]

Bywater Shirriff [Apr 27, 2021]

Envoy of Pelargir [Apr 20, 2021]

Warden of Healing and Iroreth [Apr 07, 2021]

Ally Elrond [Mar 30, 2021]

Magic Ring [Mar 23, 2021]

Healing Herbs [Mar 09, 2021]

Superlative Caleb [Mar 01, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 12 [Feb 26, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 11 [Feb 24, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 10 [Feb 22, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 9 [Feb 19, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 8 [Feb 17, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 7 [Feb 15, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 6 [Feb 12, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 5 [Feb 10, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 4 [Feb 08, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 3 [Feb 05, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 2 [Feb 03, 2021]

Superlative February - Show 1 [Feb 01, 2021]

Beorn's Hospitality [Jan 27, 2021]

Lore of Imladris [Jan 19, 2021]

Dunedain Remedy [Jan 11, 2021]

Self Preservation [Jan 04, 2021]


The End Comes [Dec 28, 2020]

Stone of Elostirion [Dec 21, 2020]

Durin's Axe [Dec 15, 2020]

Guest Host Eric Shell - A Long-extended Party [Dec 11, 2020]

Thengel - A Long-extended Party [Dec 09, 2020]

Cram [Dec 07, 2020]

Peace, and Thought [Nov 24, 2020]

Announcing Superlative February [Nov 18, 2020]

Guest Host Joe Hoffman [Nov 17, 2020]

Ring Mail [Nov 09, 2020]

Guest Host Justin Gieb [Oct 26, 2020]

Guest Host Russ Lundgren [Oct 20, 2020]

Card Talk's New Player Buying Guide [Oct 15, 2020]

Bofur [Oct 13, 2020]

Guest Host Vardaen (again!) [Oct 05, 2020]

Classic Card Talk Gloin [Sep 28, 2020]

Waters of Nimrodel [Sep 14, 2020]

Ring of Barahir [Sep 08, 2020]

Citadel Custodian [Aug 31, 2020]

Free to Choose [Aug 25, 2020]

Farmer Maggot [Aug 18, 2020]

Card Talk Live: Ered Mithrin Cycle [Aug 10, 2020]

Card Talk Live: Shadows of Mirkwood Cycle [Aug 06, 2020]

Leadership Hero Faramir [Jul 28, 2020]

Miruvor [Jul 20, 2020]

Beravor [Jul 13, 2020]

SPOILER!!! Thorongil [Jul 10, 2020]

SPOILER!!! Spirit Aragorn [Jul 06, 2020]

SPOILER!!! Bond of Friendship Contract [Jun 30, 2020]

Guest Hosts Bob and Chrissy [Jun 29, 2020]

Tatics Hero Legolas [Jun 15, 2020]

Ally Treebeard [Jun 08, 2020]

Snowbourn Scout [Jun 01, 2020]

SPOILER!!! Red Book of Westmarch [May 18, 2020]

Guest Hosts Shane and Bob [May 13, 2020]

Round Table Discussion: Attack on Dol Guldur [May 06, 2020]

Valiant Sacrifice [May 04, 2020]

Power in the Earth [Apr 27, 2020]

Timely Aid [Apr 20, 2020]

Sarah McLeod Intros Rosie Cotton [Apr 13, 2020]

Chad G and Christian S Talk about Rosie Cotton [Apr 13, 2020]

Guest Host Steve Majka,AKA Vardaen [Apr 06, 2020]

Unexpected Courage [Mar 23, 2020]

Guest Host John Rogers 2 [Mar 16, 2020]

Guest Host Mark Chan [Mar 09, 2020]

Risk Some Light [Mar 02, 2020]

Guest Hosts Caleb Grace and MJ Newman [Feb 28, 2020]

Guest Host Brandon [Feb 26, 2020]

Spirit Theoden and Theodred [Feb 24, 2025]

Guest Host Ava Walsh [Feb 21, 2020]

Spirit Legolas and Leadership Hero Gimli [Feb 19, 2025]

Guest Host Katie Muir [Feb 14, 2025]

Guest Host Sarah and Jason [Feb 12, 2025]

Smeagol and the One Ring [Feb 10, 2025]

Guest Host Chloe Walsh [Feb 07, 2020]

Guest Host Tolkien Road Podcast [Feb 05, 2020]

Arwen Undomiel and any Hero Aragorn [Feb 03, 2020]

Feint [Jan 27, 2020]

Theodred [Jan 20, 2020]

COUPLES FEBRUARY! [Jan 16, 2020]

SPOILER! Odo Proudfoot [Jan 13, 2020]

Eleanor [Jan 06, 2020]

Hero Treebeard [Dec 23, 2019]

Behind Strong Walls [Dec 16, 2019]

Gildor's Counsel [Dec 09, 2019]

Strider's Path [Dec 02, 2019]

Guest Host Caleb Grace 2 [Nov 25, 2019]

Explore Secret Ways [Nov 18, 2019]

SPOILER! Lore Saruman and Saruman's Staff [Nov 14, 2019]

Fortune or Fate [Nov 13, 2019]

Guest Host Aaron Fishbaugh [Nov 04, 2019]

Leadership Orcrist [Oct 28, 2019]

Con of the Rings Recap [Oct 23, 2019]

The King's Return [Oct 21, 2019]

Lore Glamdring [Oct 14, 2019]

Con of the Rings Designer Interview [Oct 11, 2019]

Con of the Rings Participant Reflections [Oct 08, 2019]

Guest Host Kristian Priisholm [Sep 23, 2019]

Community Tales [Sep 12, 2019]

Andrath Guardsman

Leadership Aragorn

Which Aragorn?

Which Aragorn?

Tactics Aragorn

Which Aragorn?

Which Aragorn?

Which Aragorn?

Guest Host Ryan Kelly

Which Aragorn?

Guest Host Dan Poage

Tactics Hero Bilbo

Revisting Tactics Bilbo Baggins

Lore Hero Bilbo

On the Doorstep Bilbo

Boots from Erebor

Tactics Hero Boromir

Tactics Hero Boromir

Brok Ironfist



Guest Host Joseph Forster

Citadel Plate

Lore Hero Denethor


DĂșnedain Mark



Hero Elrond

Elrond's Counsel

Spirit Éowyn

Tactics Éowyn

Guest Host Chris Stanford

Escort from Edoras

Leadership Ally Faramir

Fast Hitch

Hero Fastred

Guest Host Jon Meek

Feigned Voices

Feigned Voices

Fellowship Contract

Friend of Friends

Leadership Hero Frodo

Spirit Hero Frodo Baggins

Frodo's Intuition

Gaffer Gamgee

Galadhon Archer

Galadhrim Minstrel

Galadhrim Minstrel

Galadhrim Weaver

Guest Host Caleb Grace


Core Gandalf

Hero Gandalf

Tatics Hero Gimli

Hero GlĂłin

Spirit Hero Glorfindel

Greenwood Archer


Guest Chad Garlinghouse

Hirluin the Fair

Island Amid Perils

Ithilien Archer

Tactics Merry

Mithril Shirt

Naith Guide

Naith Guide

Necklace of Girion

O LĂłrien!



Guest Host Ian Martin

Lore Pippin

Quicker Than Sight

Rivendell Blade


Leadership Hero Sam Gamgee

Send for Aid


Silvan Tracker

Hero Sméagol

Sneak Attack

Steward of Gondor

Steward of Gondor

Tactics Sting


The Arkenstone

The Elvenking

The Tree People

Guest Host Samuel Shreeve

Spirit Théoden
