Card Talk

Spirit Con Cards [Sep 21, 2021]
Guest Host Eric Shell: ALeP Spoiler and Con of the Rings Convo [Sep 14, 2021]
Leadership Con Cards [Aug 31, 2021]
Leadership Merry [Aug 11, 2021]
Eagles of the Misty Mountains [Aug 04, 2021]
Guest Host Matt Kell AKA Kattattack22 [Jul 20, 2021]
Dawn Take You All [Jul 06, 2021]
Spoiler: Con of the Rings 2021 [Jun 15, 2021]
Leadership Eomer [May 18, 2021]
Grimbeorn the Old [May 11, 2021]
Tactics Beregond [May 05, 2021]
Bywater Shirriff [Apr 27, 2021]
Envoy of Pelargir [Apr 20, 2021]
Warden of Healing and Iroreth [Apr 07, 2021]
Superlative Caleb [Mar 01, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 12 [Feb 26, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 11 [Feb 24, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 10 [Feb 22, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 9 [Feb 19, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 8 [Feb 17, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 7 [Feb 15, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 6 [Feb 12, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 5 [Feb 10, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 4 [Feb 08, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 3 [Feb 05, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 2 [Feb 03, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 1 [Feb 01, 2021]
Beorn's Hospitality [Jan 27, 2021]
Lore of Imladris [Jan 19, 2021]
Dunedain Remedy [Jan 11, 2021]
Self Preservation [Jan 04, 2021]
Stone of Elostirion [Dec 21, 2020]
Guest Host Eric Shell - A Long-extended Party [Dec 11, 2020]
Thengel - A Long-extended Party [Dec 09, 2020]
Peace, and Thought [Nov 24, 2020]
Announcing Superlative February [Nov 18, 2020]
Guest Host Joe Hoffman [Nov 17, 2020]
Guest Host Justin Gieb [Oct 26, 2020]
Guest Host Russ Lundgren [Oct 20, 2020]
Card Talk's New Player Buying Guide [Oct 15, 2020]
Guest Host Vardaen (again!) [Oct 05, 2020]
Classic Card Talk Gloin [Sep 28, 2020]
Waters of Nimrodel [Sep 14, 2020]
Ring of Barahir [Sep 08, 2020]
Citadel Custodian [Aug 31, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Ered Mithrin Cycle [Aug 10, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Shadows of Mirkwood Cycle [Aug 06, 2020]
Leadership Hero Faramir [Jul 28, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Thorongil [Jul 10, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Spirit Aragorn [Jul 06, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Bond of Friendship Contract [Jun 30, 2020]
Guest Hosts Bob and Chrissy [Jun 29, 2020]
Tatics Hero Legolas [Jun 15, 2020]
Snowbourn Scout [Jun 01, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Red Book of Westmarch [May 18, 2020]
Guest Hosts Shane and Bob [May 13, 2020]
Round Table Discussion: Attack on Dol Guldur [May 06, 2020]
Valiant Sacrifice [May 04, 2020]
Power in the Earth [Apr 27, 2020]
Sarah McLeod Intros Rosie Cotton [Apr 13, 2020]
Chad G and Christian S Talk about Rosie Cotton [Apr 13, 2020]
Guest Host Steve Majka,AKA Vardaen [Apr 06, 2020]
Unexpected Courage [Mar 23, 2020]
Guest Host John Rogers 2 [Mar 16, 2020]
Guest Host Mark Chan [Mar 09, 2020]
Risk Some Light [Mar 02, 2020]
Guest Hosts Caleb Grace and MJ Newman [Feb 28, 2020]
Guest Host Brandon [Feb 26, 2020]
Spirit Theoden and Theodred [Feb 24, 2025]
Guest Host Ava Walsh [Feb 21, 2020]
Spirit Legolas and Leadership Hero Gimli [Feb 19, 2025]
Guest Host Katie Muir [Feb 14, 2025]
Guest Host Sarah and Jason [Feb 12, 2025]
Smeagol and the One Ring [Feb 10, 2025]
Guest Host Chloe Walsh [Feb 07, 2020]
Guest Host Tolkien Road Podcast [Feb 05, 2020]
Arwen Undomiel and any Hero Aragorn [Feb 03, 2020]
COUPLES FEBRUARY! [Jan 16, 2020]
SPOILER! Odo Proudfoot [Jan 13, 2020]
Behind Strong Walls [Dec 16, 2019]
Gildor's Counsel [Dec 09, 2019]
Guest Host Caleb Grace 2 [Nov 25, 2019]
Explore Secret Ways [Nov 18, 2019]
SPOILER! Lore Saruman and Saruman's Staff [Nov 14, 2019]
Fortune or Fate [Nov 13, 2019]
Guest Host Aaron Fishbaugh [Nov 04, 2019]
Leadership Orcrist [Oct 28, 2019]
Con of the Rings Recap [Oct 23, 2019]
The King's Return [Oct 21, 2019]
Con of the Rings Designer Interview [Oct 11, 2019]
Con of the Rings Participant Reflections [Oct 08, 2019]
Guest Host Kristian Priisholm [Sep 23, 2019]
Community Tales [Sep 12, 2019]