Card Talk Channel

2022 Con of the Rings Recap [Oct 11, 2022]
Heir of Valandil [Oct 05, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An Lotr Lcg live play series, something different! [Oct 02, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #13 [Sep 25, 2022]
Dunedain Hunter [Sep 21, 2022]
First Play of the Black Gate Opens [Sep 15, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #12 [Aug 28, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #12 (part 2) [Aug 28, 2022]
The Siege of Gondor - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Aug 25, 2022]
The Siege of Gondor - Note quite good enough [Aug 18, 2022]
Halfling Determination [Aug 16, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #11 [Aug 14, 2022]
The Siege of Gondor - 10 Rounds [Aug 11, 2022]
The Siege of Gondor - 8 Rounds [Aug 04, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #10 [Jul 31, 2022]
The Siege of Gondor - Misplay [Jul 28, 2022]
Passing of the Grey Company - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jul 21, 2022]
Shelob's Lair - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jul 14, 2022]
Journey to the Cross-roads - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jul 07, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #9 [Jul 03, 2022]
Passage of the Marshes - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jun 30, 2022]
The Road to Isengard - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jun 23, 2022]
Tactics Pippin Ally [Jun 22, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #8 [Jun 19, 2022]
Helm's Deep - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jun 16, 2022]
The Uruk-hai - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN (misplay) [Jun 09, 2022]
The Uruk-hai - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jun 09, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #7 [Jun 05, 2022]
Breaking of the Fellowship - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Jun 02, 2022]
Curious Brandybuck [May 31, 2022]
A Journey in the Dark - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [May 26, 2022]
A Journey in the Dark - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN (misplay) [May 26, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #6 [May 22, 2022]
The Rings Goes South - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [May 19, 2022]
Guest Host Joe Holme AKA The Purple Wizard [May 18, 2022]
Flight to the Ford - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [May 12, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #5 [May 08, 2022]
A Knife in the Dark - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [May 05, 2022]
Fog on the Barrow Downs - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Apr 28, 2022]
Guest Host Matthew Dempsey [Apr 26, 2022]
(GIVEAWAY!!) Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #4 [Apr 24, 2022]
The Old Forest - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Apr 21, 2022]
Shadow of the Past - THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN [Apr 14, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #3 [Apr 10, 2022]
Erebor Hammersmith [Apr 05, 2022]
Quick Strike and Dunhere [Mar 31, 2022]
Guest Host Tyler Parrott [May 29, 2022]
Gloin and Self Preservation [Mar 26, 2022]
Horseback Archer [Mar 22, 2025]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #2 [Mar 20, 2022]
Eowyn and Stand and Fight [Mar 19, 2022]
Wrap-up of New Player February [Mar 15, 2022]
Gimli with Citadel Plate [Mar 14, 2022]
Designer Caleb Grace Talks Revised Core Set [Mar 08, 2022]
Second Breakfast: An LotR LCG Live Play Series - Challenge #1 [Mar 06, 2022]
Designer Jeremy Zwirn Talks Revised Core Set [Mar 01, 2022]
Deck Building, Part 2 (with the Revised Core Set) [Feb 26, 2022]
Deck Building (with the Revised Core Set) [Feb 24, 2022]
Thalin or Gondorian Spearman Against Eastern Crows [Feb 23, 2022]
The Refresh Phase and Tips, Tricks, and Reminders [Feb 18, 2022]
Son of Arnor with Forest Snare [Feb 16, 2022]
Travel and Encounter Phases [Feb 11, 2022]
Aragorn and Theodred [Feb 09, 2022]
Resource and Planning Phases [Feb 08, 2022]
New Player February with Card Talk [Feb 05, 2022]
How To Set Up Your Game [Feb 04, 2022]
Core Combos: Sneak Attack/Gandalf [Feb 02, 2022]
Introductory to New Player February [Feb 01, 2022]
ALeP Tactics Hero Glorfindel [Jan 25, 2022]
Smoke, and Think [Jan 19, 2022]
Leadership Elfhelm Hero [Dec 14, 2021]
Mirkwood Explorer [Dec 08, 2021]
Guest Host Jeremy Zwirn [Dec 01, 2021]
Ranger of Cardolan [Nov 17, 2021]
Con of the Rings 2021 Recap [Oct 12, 2021]
Card Talk Live Experimental Deck Builds [Oct 11, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Black Gate Opens [Oct 09, 2021]
Card Talk live Journey up the Anduin [Oct 08, 2021]
Epic Multiplayer Fire in the Night - Can't of the Rings 2021 [Oct 03, 2021]
Tactics Con Cards [Sep 28, 2021]
Spirit Con Cards [Sep 21, 2021]
Lonely Mountain - 5th Attempt [Sep 16, 2021]
Guest Host Eric Shell: ALeP Spoiler and Con of the Rings Convo [Sep 14, 2021]
Lonely Mountain - Fourth Attempt [Sep 09, 2021]
Card Talk Live Campaign with Matt Cirith Ungol [Sep 06, 2021]
Lonely Mountain, Third Attempt [Sep 02, 2021]
Leadership Con Cards [Aug 31, 2021]
Card Talk Live Epic Helms Deep (part 2) [Aug 07, 2021]
Card Talk Live Epic Helms Deep (part 1) [Aug 07, 2021]
Card Talk Like DragnCards [Jul 13, 2021]
Card Talk Trivia (part 2) [Jul 10, 2021]
Card Talk Trivia (part 1) [Jul 10, 2021]
Dawn Take You All [Jul 06, 2021]
Card Talk Live with Matt Hunt for Gollum (part 2) [Jul 05, 2021]
Card Talk Live with Matt Hunt for Gollum (part 1) [Jul 05, 2021]
Lonely Mountain 2nd Attempt [Jun 30, 2021]
Leadership Merry [Jun 29, 2021]
Epic multiplayer Helm's Deep [Jun 19, 2021]
Spoiler: Con of the Rings 2021 [Jun 15, 2021]
Leadership Eomer [May 18, 2021]
Grimbeorn the Old [May 11, 2021]
Tactics Beregond [May 05, 2021]
Bywater Shiriff [Apr 27, 2021]
Card Talk Saga Campgain with Matt Cirth Ungol (pt 2) [Apr 27, 2021]
Card Talk Saga Campgain with Matt Cirth Ungol [Apr 27, 2021]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim - 7th Attempt [Apr 22, 2021]
Envoy of Pelargir [Apr 20, 2021]
Warden of Healing and Ioreth [Apr 07, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Battle of Pelennor Fields [Mar 16, 2021]
Card Talk Live Campagin with Matt Siege of Gondor [Mar 02, 2021]
Superlative Caleb [Mar 01, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 12 [Feb 26, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 11 [Feb 24, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 10 [Feb 22, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 9 [Feb 20, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 8 [Feb 18, 2021]
Card Talk Live with Matt Passing of the Grey Company [Feb 16, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 7 [Feb 16, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 6 [Feb 14, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 5 [Feb 12, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 4 [Feb 10, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 3 [Feb 08, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 2 [Feb 06, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Battle of Pelennor Fields [Feb 04, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Siege of Gondor [Feb 02, 2021]
Superlative February - Show 1 [Feb 01, 2021]
Beorn's Hospitality [Jan 29, 2021]
Card Talk Live Hunt for the Dreadnaught [Jan 22, 2021]
Lore of Imladris [Jan 19, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Camapaign with Matt Passing of the Grey Company (part 2) [Jan 18, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Camapaign with Matt Passing of the Grey Company (part 2) [Jan 18, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Shelob's Lair [Jan 18, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Journey to the Crossroads [Jan 18, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign Passage Through the Marshes [Jan 17, 2021]
Card Talk Live with Onidsen Spiders of the Woodland Realm [Jan 15, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Shelob's Lair [Jan 11, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Journey to the Crossroads [Jan 11, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga Campaign with Matt Passage through the Marshes [Jan 11, 2021]
Dunedain Remedy [Jan 11, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Passage through the Marshes (part 2) [Jan 07, 2021]
Self Preservation [Jan 04, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Passage Through the Marshes (part 1) [Jan 03, 2021]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Road to Isengard [Dec 31, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Helm's Deep (part 2) [Dec 31, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Helm's Deep (part 1) [Dec 23, 2020]
Stone of Elostirion [Dec 21, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Uruk Hai [Dec 20, 2020]
Can Guarded Cards Beat the Seventh Level [Dec 17, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Breaking the Fellowship [Dec 13, 2020]
Guest Host Eric Shell - A Long-extended Party [Dec 11, 2020]
A Long-extended Party - Thengel [Dec 09, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt The Ring Goes South [Dec 06, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Journey in the Dark [Dec 06, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt The Ring Goes South [Nov 29, 2020]
Card Talk Live Journey Along the Anduin [Nov 28, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Flight to the Ford [Nov 26, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Passage of the Marshes (part 2) [Nov 26, 2020]
Card Talk Live with Onidsen Into the Pit [Nov 26, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Passage of the Marshes (part 1) [Nov 25, 2020]
Card Talk Live The Hills of Emyn Muil [Nov 25, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Bond of Hobbitship takes on Massing at Osgiliath [Nov 25, 2020]
Peace, and Thought [Nov 24, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Road to Isengard [Nov 22, 2020]
Superlative February Announcement [Nov 18, 2020]
Guest Host Joe Hoffman [Nov 17, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt A Knife in the Dark (part 2) [Nov 15, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt A Knife in the Dark (part 1) [Nov 15, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt A Shadow of the Past [Nov 08, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt Helm's Deep [Nov 01, 2020]
Guest Host Justin Gein [Oct 26, 2020]
Bond of Hobbiship vs Into Ithilien [Oct 22, 2020]
Guest Host Russ Lundgren [Oct 20, 2020]
Card Talk Live Saga with Matt The Uruk-hai [Oct 18, 2020]
Card Talk's New Player Buying Guide [Oct 15, 2020]
Card Talk Live Lost in Mirkwood [Oct 09, 2020]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim: Matt's Sixth Sense [Oct 08, 2020]
Guest Host Vardaen (again!) [Oct 05, 2020]
Card Talk Live Nightmare Road to Rivendell [Sep 14, 2020]
Waters of Nimrodel [Sep 14, 2020]
Card Talk Live Breaking of the Fellowship [Sep 13, 2020]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim: Fifth Time's the Charm? [Sep 10, 2020]
Card Talk Live The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat [Sep 08, 2020]
Ring of Barahir [Sep 08, 2020]
Card Talk Live Into the Pit [Sep 07, 2020]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim (part 4) [Sep 03, 2020]
Citadel Custodian [Aug 31, 2020]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim (part 3) [Aug 29, 2020]
LotR LCG Ancient Mathoms [Aug 21, 2020]
New Player GuideL Card Talk Talks Keywords [Aug 16, 2020]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim (part 2) [Aug 13, 2020]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim (part 1) [Aug 12, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Still Another Journey in the Dark (part 2) [Aug 09, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Desert Crossing, The Long Arm of Mordor, and Race Across Harad [Aug 06, 2020]
Card Talk Live: The Fate of Wilderland [Aug 02, 2020]
Card Talk Live Episode 2 [Aug 01, 2020]
Card Talk Live Episode 1 [Aug 01, 2020]
Epic Multiplayer Storm on Cobas Haven [Jul 30, 2020]
Leadership Hero Faramir [Jul 28, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Journey in the Dark (part 1) [Jul 26, 2020]
Card Talk Live: The Drowned Ruins [Jul 18, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Over the Misty Mountains Grim [Jul 16, 2020]
Thorongil Bilbo on The Road to Rivendell [Jul 14, 2020]
Card Talk Live: Journey in the Dark [Jul 12, 2020]
Card Talk Live - 4 Player Store on Cobas Haven [Jul 11, 2020]
Card Talk Live - 2 Player Storm on Cobas Haven [Jul 10, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Thorongil [Jul 10, 2020]
Spirit Aragorn Takes on the Mumakil [Jul 09, 2020]
Card Talk Live Over the Misty Mountains Grim [Jul 08, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Spirit Aragorn [Jul 06, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Deck Building with Gran [Jul 05, 2020]
Card Talk Live - The Ring Goes South [Jul 03, 2020]
Hobbits: Bond of Friendship - Journey Along the Anduin [Jul 01, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Bond of Friendship Contract [Jun 30, 2020]
Guest Hosts Bob and Chrissy [Jun 29, 2020]
Dragon Sickness: We Must Away, Ere Break of Day [Jun 24, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Nightmare Journey in the Dark/Road to Rivendell [Jun 23, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Flight to the Ford [Jun 21, 2020]
Knife in the Dark [Jun 21, 2020]
Haldir Defends Everything Along the Anduin [Jun 19, 2020]
Card Talk Plays - Desert Crossing [Jun 17, 2020]
Tactics Hero Legolas [Jun 15, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Nightmare Journey Along the Anduin [Jun 13, 2020]
Escape from Umbar with Dwarf Mining [Jun 11, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Intruders in Chetwood [Jun 06, 2020]
Escape from Dol Guldur [Jun 03, 2020]
Snowbourn Scout [Jun 01, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Escape from Mount Gram [May 30, 2020]
We Must Away 'Ere Break of Day [May 27, 2020]
Card Talk Live - The Oath [May 24, 2020]
SPOILER!!! Read Book of Westmarch [May 18, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Nightmare Journey Along the Anduin [May 17, 2020]
Card Talk Live - Under the Ash Mountains [May 16, 2020]
Community Built Deck Play Through [May 13, 2020]
Guest Host Shane and Bob [May 13, 2020]
Round Table Discussion: Attack on Dol Guldur [May 05, 2020]
Valiant Sacrifice [May 04, 2020]
Shadow of the Past [Apr 27, 2020]
Power in the Earth [Apr 27, 2020]
Card Talk Plays - The Silvans Passage through Mirkwood [Apr 21, 2020]
Sarah McLeod intros Rosie Cotton [Apr 13, 2020]
Guests Chad G. and Christian S. Talk About Rosie Cotton [Apr 13, 2020]
Guest Host Steve Majka AKA Vardean [Apr 06, 2020]
Unexpected Courage [Mar 23, 2020]
Guest Host John Rogers 2 [Mar 16, 2020]
Guest Host Mark Chan [Mar 09, 2020]
Risk Some Light [Mar 02, 2020]
Guest Hosts Caleb Grace and Matt Newman [Feb 28, 2020]
Guest Host Brandon [Feb 26, 2020]
Spirit Theoden and Theodred [Feb 24, 2020]
Guest Host Ava Walsh [Feb 21, 2020]
Spirit Legolas and Leadership Gimli [Feb 19, 2020]
Guest Host Katie Muir [Feb 14, 2020]
Guest Hosts Sarah and Jason [Feb 12, 2020]
Smeagol and The One Ring [Feb 10, 2020]
Guest Host Chloe Walsh [Feb 07, 2020]
Guest Host Tolkien Road [Feb 05, 2020]
Hero Arwen Umdomiel and any Hero Aragorn [Feb 03, 2020]
Couples February! [Jan 16, 2020]
SPOILER! Odo Proudfoot [Jan 13, 2020]
Minimum Purchase Dunland Trap [Jan 09, 2020]
Behind Strong Walls [Dec 16, 2019]
Gildor's Counsel [Dec 09, 2019]
Guest Host Caleb Grace 2 [Nov 25, 2019]
Explore Secret Ways [Nov 18, 2019]
SPOILER!!! Lore Saruman and Saruman's Staff [Nov 14, 2019]
Fortune or Fate [Nov 13, 2019]
Guest Host Aaron Fishbaugh [Nov 04, 2019]
Leadership Orcrist [Oct 28, 2019]
Con of the Rings Recap [Oct 23, 2019]
The King's Return [Oct 21, 2019]
Con of the Rings Designer Interview [Oct 10, 2019]
Con of the Rings Reflections [Oct 09, 2019]
Necklace of Girion [Sep 30, 2019]
Guest Host Kristian Priisholm [Sep 24, 2019]
Community Tales - August 2019 [Sep 12, 2019]
Revisiting Tactics Hero Bilbo [Aug 19, 2019]
Guest Host Derek Kamal [Aug 12, 2019]
Guest Host Matt Duckworth [Aug 08, 2019]
Community Tales July 2019 - GENCON EPISODE [Aug 05, 2019]
Legacy of Numenor [Jul 22, 2019]
Flight from Moria [Jul 17, 2019]
Ancient Mathoms Ep 2. Tactics Core Cards [Jul 16, 2019]
Treachery of Rhudaur 2P [Jul 11, 2019]
Across the Ettenmoors 2P [Jul 10, 2019]
Ancient Mathoms Ep. 1 - Leadership Core Cards [Jul 09, 2019]
Guest Host Ted Banach, Winner of the "Set Us Straight" Contest [Jul 08, 2019]
Leadership Hero Frodo [Jul 01, 2019]
Community Tales June 2019 [Jul 01, 2019]
Elrond's Counsel [Jun 10, 2019]
Around the Community May 2019 [Jun 06, 2019]
Tactics Hero Gimli [Jun 04, 2019]
Journey Along the Anduin [May 16, 2019]
The Ghost of Framsburg Silvan [May 14, 2019]
Guest Host John Rogers, Con of the Rings [May 13, 2019]
Around the Community - April 2019 [May 01, 2019]
Journey Along the Anduin w/ Hobbit Taticians [May 01, 2019]
Deck Construction: The Rise of the Hobbit Tacticians [Apr 16, 2019]
Lure of Middle-earth Recap with Dominik Schonleben [Apr 10, 2019]
Around the Community March 2019 [Apr 07, 2019]
Frodo's Intuition [Apr 02, 2019]
Treachery of Rhudaur Dwarf Mining [Mar 20, 2019]
Guest Host Beorn (Dan Poage) [Mar 18, 2019]
Celebrimbor's Secret Dwarf Mining [Mar 12, 2019]
Guest Host Daan Prins (Durin's Father) [Mar 04, 2019]
Around the Community February 2019 [Mar 01, 2019]
Lost in Mirkwood Two Player [Feb 28, 2019]
The Seventh Level [Feb 28, 2019]
Quicker Than Sight [Feb 27, 2019]
Island Amid Perils [Feb 26, 2019]
Into the Pit Silvans [Feb 24, 2019]
The Three People [Feb 23, 2019]
Across the Ettenmoors Two Player [Feb 21, 2019]
Greenwood Archer [Feb 18, 2019]
Galadhrim Weaver [Feb 15, 2019]
Lost in Mirkwood - Silvans [Feb 14, 2019]
Galadhon Archer [Feb 13, 2019]
Galadhrim Minstrel [Feb 12, 2019]
Journey Along the Anduin [Feb 07, 2019]
Passage Through Mirkwood [Feb 02, 2019]
Around the Community January 2019 [Feb 01, 2019]
The Hunt for Gollum Silvan [Jan 29, 2019]
Guest Host Dominik Schonleben [Jan 28, 2019]
Silvan February [Jan 22, 2019]
Guest Host Ian Martin [Jan 21, 2019]
Tactics Aragorn [Jan 14, 2019]
Guest Host Mr. Underhill [Jan 07, 2019]
Escort from Edoras [Dec 17, 2018]
Guest Host Chris Standford [Dec 10, 2018]
Tactics Hero Bilbo [Dec 05, 2018]
Guest Host Caleb Grace [Nov 26, 2018]
Friend of Friends [Nov 19, 2018]
Guest Host John Meek [Nov 12, 2018]
The Breaking of the Fellowship [Nov 09, 2018]
Peril in Pelargir [Nov 09, 2018]
We Must Away, Ere Break of Day (part 4) [Nov 09, 2018]
Over the Misty Mountains Grim [Nov 09, 2018]
We Must Away, Ere Break of Day (part 3) [Nov 09, 2018]
We Must Away, Ere Break of Day (part 2) [Nov 09, 2018]
We Must Away, Ere Break of Day (part 1) [Nov 09, 2018]
The Hunt for Gollum (part 2) [Nov 09, 2018]
Conflict at the Carrock (part 2) [Nov 08, 2018]
Conflict at the Carrock (part 1) [Nov 08, 2018]
The Hunt for Gollum (part 1) [Nov 08, 2018]
Guest Host Samuel Shreeve [Nov 08, 2018]
Guest Host Chad Garlinghouse [Nov 08, 2018]
Andrath Guardsman [Nov 08, 2018]
Passage Through Mirkwood [Nov 08, 2018]
Dol Guldur Orcs [Nov 08, 2018]
Spiders of Mirkwood [Nov 08, 2018]
Ithilien Archer [Nov 08, 2018]
Lore Hero Denethor [Nov 08, 2018]
Gondorian Spearman [Nov 08, 2018]
Hirluin the Fair [Nov 08, 2018]
Get to Know Your Host [Nov 08, 2018]
Escape from Dol Guldur (part 4) [Nov 02, 2018]
Escape from Dol Guldur (part 3) [Nov 02, 2018]
Escape from Dol Guldur (part 2) [Nov 01, 2018]
Escape from Dol Guldur (part 1) [Nov 01, 2018]
Guest Host Joseph Forster [Nov 01, 2018]
Journey Along the Anduin (part 3) [Nov 01, 2018]
Passage Through Mirkwood [Nov 01, 2018]
Journey Along the Anduin (part 2) [Nov 01, 2018]
Journey Along the Anduin (part 1) [Nov 01, 2018]
Rivendell Blade [Nov 01, 2018]
Derndingle Warrior [Nov 01, 2018]
Leadership Hero Sam Gamgee [Nov 01, 2018]
On The Doorstep Bilbo Baggins [Nov 01, 2018]
Steward of Gondor [Nov 01, 2018]
Leadership Ally Faramir [Nov 01, 2018]
Spirit Hero Glorfindel [Oct 31, 2018]
Boots from Erebor [Oct 31, 2018]
Leadership Aragorn [Oct 31, 2018]
Tactics Hero Boromir [Oct 31, 2018]