Cardboard of the Rings Channel

Single Core Series: Journey to Rhosgobel | Lord of the Rings LCG [Oct 10, 2022]
The Road Goes On | Lord of the Rings LCG [Sep 28, 2022]
The Single Core Series: The Hunt for the Dreadnaught | Lord of the Rings LCG [Sep 26, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Land of Sorrow | Lord of the Rings LCG [Sep 19, 2022]
Under the Ash Mountains| Lord of the Rings LCG [Sep 12, 2022]
Single Core Series: Challenge of the Wainriders | Lord of the Rings LCG [Sep 05, 2022]
Single Core Series: The City of Ulfast | Lord of the Rings LCG [Aug 29, 2022]
Single Core Series: Wrath and Ruin [Aug 22, 2022]
Single Core Series: Temple of Doom [Aug 15, 2022]
Single Core Series: Danger in Dorwinion [Aug 08, 2022]
The Single Core Series: The River Running [Aug 01, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Fate of Wilderland [Jul 25, 2022]
Single Core Series: Mount Gundabad [Jul 18, 2022]
Chad's Fellowship vs The Treachery of Rhudaur [Jul 13, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Ghost of Framsburg [Jul 11, 2022]
Chad's Angmar Awakened Fellowship vs The Woodland Realm [Jul 08, 2022]
Deck Building with Angmar Awakened [Jul 06, 2022]
Single Core Series: Fire in the Night [Jul 04, 2022]
Angmar Awakened: Suggested Fellowship [Jul 01, 2022]
Angmar Awakened: Suggested Elves [Jun 29, 2022]
Single Core Series: Roam Across Rhovanion [Jun 27, 2022]
Angmar Awakened: Suggested Dúnedain [Jun 24, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Withered Heath [Jun 20, 2022]
The Single Core Series: The King's Quest [Jun 13, 2022]
Single Core Series: Lost in Mirkwood [Jun 06, 2022]
Single Core Series: Journey up the Anduin [May 30, 2022]
Single Core Series: Attack on Dol Guldur [May 23, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Stone of Erech [May 20, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Siege of Annuminas [May 18, 2022]
Deck Building with Chad: The Red Arrow [May 16, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Crossing of Poros [May 09, 2022]
Single Core Series: Dungeons of Cirith Gurat [May 02, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Black Serpent [Apr 25, 2022]
Single Core Series: Beneath the Sands [Apr 18, 2022]
Chad's Ancient Mathom [Apr 14, 2022]
Single Core Series: Race Across Harad [Apr 11, 2022]
The Starter Decks: Rohan vs Hill Troll [Apr 07, 2022]
Starter Decks: Elves vs Hill Troll [Apr 04, 2022]
Chad Presents: The Missing Deck [Apr 01, 2022]
The Starter Decks: Gondor vs Hill Troll [Mar 31, 2022]
Starter Decks: Dwarves vs Hill Troll [Mar 28, 2022]
The Starter Decks: Riders of Rohan [Mar 24, 2022]
The Starter Decks: Elves of Lorien [Mar 21, 2022]
The Starter Decks: Defenders of Gondor [Mar 17, 2022]
The Starter Decks: Dwarves of Durin [Mar 14, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Mumakil [Mar 07, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Long Arm of Mordor [Feb 28, 2022]
Single Core Series: Desert Crossing [Feb 21, 2022]
Single Core Series: Escape from Umbar [Feb 14, 2022]
Deck Building #3: The Caves of Nibin-dum [Feb 11, 2022]
Deck Building #2: The Oath [Feb 07, 2022]
Deck Building with Chad #1 [Feb 03, 2022]
Single Core Series: Murder at the Prancing Pony [Jan 31, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Ruins of Belegost [Jan 25, 2022]
Single Core Series: The City of Corsairs [Jan 17, 2022]
Single Core Series: A Storm on Cobas Haven [Jan 10, 2022]
Single Core Series: Temple of the Deceived [Jan 03, 2022]
Single Core Series: The Drowned Ruins [Dec 20, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Thing in the Depths [Dec 13, 2021]
Single Core Series: Flight of the Stormcaller [Dec 06, 2021]
Single Core Series: Raid on the Grey Havens [Nov 29, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Fate of Númenor [Nov 22, 2021]
Single Core Series: Voyage across Belegaer [Nov 14, 2021]
LotR on a boat! Dreamchaser Mechanics Explained [Nov 12, 2021]
Single Core Series: Dread Realm [Nov 08, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Battle of Carn Dum [Nov 01, 2021]
Single Core Series: Treachery of Rhudaur [Oct 25, 2021]
Single Core Series: Across the Ettenmoors [Oct 18, 2021]
Con of the Rings 2021 Day 3 [Oct 15, 2021]
Con of the Rings 2021 Day 2, Part 2 [Oct 14, 2021]
Con of the Rings 2021 Day 2, Part 1 [Oct 13, 2021]
Con of the Rings 2021 Day 1, Part 2 [Oct 12, 2021]
Con of the Rings 2021 Day 1, Part 1 [Oct 11, 2021]
Single Core Series: Escape from Mount Gram [Oct 11, 2021]
Single Core Series: Wastes of Eriador [Oct 04, 2021]
Single Core Series: Deadmen's Dike [Sep 27, 2021]
ALeP: Scouring of the Shire w/ Chad, Jon, and Chris [Sep 23, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Weather Hills [Sep 20, 2021]
Single Core Series: Intruders in Chetwood [Sep 13, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Antlered Crown [Sep 06, 2021]
LotR: The Card Game: The Magazine - Issue 4 The Prancing Pony [Aug 31, 2021]
Single Core Series: Celebrimbor's Secret [Aug 30, 2021]
ALeP: The Aldburg Plot [Aug 23, 2021]
ChapCon 2021 Days 3 & 4 [Aug 21, 2021]
ChapCOn 2021 Day 0 & 1 [Aug 19, 2021]
LotR: The Card Game: The Magazine - Issue 3 Fog on the Barrow-downs [Aug 18, 2021]
ALeP: The Horse Lord's Ire [Aug 16, 2021]
ALeP: The Battle for the Beacon [Aug 09, 2021]
LotR: The Card Game: The Magazine - Issue 2 The Hunt for Gollum [Aug 08, 2021]
2021 Epic Swag Reveal! [Aug 07, 2021]
ALeP: Ambush at Erelas [Aug 02, 2021]
DragnCards with Chad and Chris [Jul 28, 2021]
LotR: The Card Game: The Magazine - Issue 1 The Black Riders [Jul 23, 2021]
Single Core Series: Trouble in Tharbad [Jul 19, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Three Trials [Jul 12, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Dunland Trap [Jun 05, 2021]
Single Core Series: Into Fangorn [Jun 28, 2021]
Single Core Series: To Catch an Orc [Jun 21, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Fords of Isen [Jun 14, 2021]
Single Core Series: Battle of Lake Town [Jun 07, 2021]
Single Core Series: Battle of Five Armies [May 31, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Lonely Mountain [May 24, 2021]
Single Core Series: Flies and Spiders [May 17, 2021]
Single Core Series: Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim [May 10, 2021]
Single Core Series: Over the Misty Mountains Grim [May 03, 2021]
Single Core Series: We Must Away, ere Break of Day [Apr 26, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Morgul Vale [Apr 19, 2021]
Single Core Series: Blood of Gondor [Apr 12, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Druadan Forest [Apr 07, 2021]
Single Core Series: Steward's Fear [Mar 31, 2021]
Single Core Series: Siege of Cair Andros [Mar 26, 2021]
Single Core Series: Into Ithilien [Mar 22, 2021]
Single Core Series: Peril in Pelargir [Mar 19, 2021]
Single Core Series: Shadow and Flame [Mar 15, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Long Dark [Mar 12, 2021]
Single Core Series: Watcher in the Water [Mar 09, 2021]
Single Core Series: Road to Rivendell [Mar 05, 2021]
Single Core Series: Flight from Moria [Mar 02, 2021]
Single Core Series: Into the Pit [Feb 26, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Massing of Wolves [Feb 23, 2021]
Single Core Series: The Nastiness of Return to Mirkwood [Feb 18, 2021]
Killer Deck at the Carrock [Feb 15, 2021]
Single Core Series: Escaping Dol Guldur [Feb 10, 2021]
Single Core Series: Dol Guldur, A Fool's Hope [Feb 08, 2021]
Single Core Series: They have a Hill Troll [Feb 05, 2021]
Single Core Series: Killer Deck with One Core Set [Feb 03, 2021]
The REAL Road to Nightmare [Jan 30, 2020]
Road to regular ol' Isengard. Oops [Jan 27, 2020]
OCTGN 2-Handed and Tips & Tricks [Jan 09, 2020]
Balrog vs. Apples [Jan 08, 2020]
Helm's Nightmare [Jan 06, 2020]
Quest if you Dare [Dec 21, 2019]
Taking a Burglar's Turn [Dec 14, 2019]
Hans Frolo: Showcasing the Grey Wanderer contract [Dec 08, 2019]
Taking the Nightmare to Isengard [Nov 19, 2019]
Chad and Joe's Nasty Encounter Deck [Nov 05, 2019]
Breaking Nightmares [Sep 29, 2019]
Nightmarish Journey in the Dark [Sep 13, 2019]
Ring goes South Nightmare mode [Sep 03, 2019]