Dor Cuarthol

Return of the Rings [Jul 13, 2018]
FAQ News - Keeping it Real in a World Gone Digital [Dec 24, 2017]
The Tale of Years [Apr 20, 2017]
I'm going on an adventure! [Feb 05, 2017]
Places We've Been - Voice of the Ringmaker [Jan 27, 2017]
Places We've Been - The Fellowship of the Ring [Jan 05, 2017]
The Old and the New [Dec 24, 2016]
Places we've been - part 3 [Dec 17, 2016]
Places We've Been - Part 2 [Nov 17, 2016]
Places We've Been - Part 1 [Nov 04, 2016]
Decks of Autumn: The Old and the New [Oct 15, 2016]
The Enemy of My Enemy is my Objective Ally [Oct 01, 2016]
Peering in to the Palantir [Sep 17, 2016]
Lord of the Zombies [Aug 27, 2016]
Sphere Bleed? What Sphere Bleed? [Aug 20, 2016]
Late Game Deckbuilding [Aug 13, 2016]
Are We Having Fun? [Apr 13, 2016]
How fortunate you are that your job is also your hobby [Mar 19, 2016]
The Ins and Outs of Deck-Building - Part 2 [Mar 12, 2016]
The Ins and Outs of Deck-Building - Part 1 [Mar 03, 2016]
Of Battles Lost and Won [Feb 14, 2016]
The Light of the Evenstar [Jan 21, 2016]
Arise now, Riders of Theoden [Jan 14, 2016]
What is Dead May Never Die [Dec 19, 2015]
Dark Deeds in Bree [Nov 15, 2015]
Rousing the Shire [Nov 14, 2015]
Where now the horse and the rider? [Oct 22, 2015]
Lord of the Archetypes [Sep 27, 2015]
Something Fishy This Way Comes [Sep 06, 2015]
Who's That Girl? [Aug 23, 2015]
The Fatty Project [Aug 20, 2015]
The Wizard's Surge [Aug 08, 2015]
A Fistful of Meeples [Aug 06, 2015]
Surging Against the Shadow [Aug 02, 2015]
Surging in the Dark [Jul 21, 2015]
Surges Through Mirkwood [Jul 15, 2015]
The Wizard's Voice [Jun 13, 2015]
Riddles in the Dark [Jun 06, 2015]
When the Going Gets Tough [May 23, 2015]
Taking the Difficulty project to Isengard [Apr 30, 2015]
Difficulty in the Dark [Apr 02, 2015]
A Balrog of Morgoth (What did you say?) [Mar 14, 2015]
A Question of Theme [Feb 28, 2015]
Difficulty Project - The Black Riders [Jan 21, 2015]
2014 - some thoughts [Jan 03, 2015]
Twelve Days of Tolkien [Dec 24, 2014]
Score, Difficulty, and Keeping Track [Dec 18, 2014]
Battle of the Five Armies [Dec 13, 2014]
An Unexpected Desolation [Nov 29, 2014]
Heroes IV - Lore [Nov 15, 2014]
Heroes III - Spirit [Nov 01, 2014]
Heroes 2 - Tactics [Oct 18, 2014]
Heroes 1 - Leadership [Oct 03, 2014]
Organised Nightmares [Sep 11, 2014]
Victory & Defeat [Aug 31, 2014]
Not all those who wander are lost [Aug 16, 2014]
Location, Location, Location [Aug 09, 2014]
Co-operation, Victory and Glory [Jul 25, 2014]
Sticking Around [Jul 12, 2014]
Faction: Mechanic and Theme [Jul 04, 2014]
The Stuff of Nightmares [Jun 28, 2014]
The First Age Dawns [Jun 14, 2014]
Ordinary Heroes [May 24, 2014]
House Rules: ok? [May 14, 2014]
No chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor, to Show his Quality [Apr 18, 2014]
Taking the Hobbits to Isengard [Mar 15, 2014]
Forth Eorlingas! [Mar 07, 2014]
The Opposite of Secrecy [Mar 01, 2014]
All too predictable courage. [Feb 22, 2014]
Lord of the Rings LCG - top 5 moans [Feb 15, 2014]
The Elves of Middle-Earth [Feb 06, 2014]