Hall of Beorn Blog

Deck: Memories of the Second Age [Sep 06, 2022]
Deck: Ithilien Hunters [Sep 02, 2022]
Bear Market: Convention Multiplayer Staples - Part 2 [Aug 11, 2022]
Bear Market: Convention Multiplayer Staples - Part 1 [Aug 09, 2022]
Discussion: The Downfall of Númenor – Part 4 [Jul 29, 2022]
Deck: Be Our Guest [Jun 15, 2022]
The Downfall of Númenor – Part 3 [Jun 05, 2022]
News: A Long-extended Party – Mustering of the Rohirrim Spoilers [May 26, 2022]
Poll Results: Most Anticipated Starter Deck [May 08, 2022]
Bear Market: Five Powerful Staples that aren’t in the Starter Decks [Apr 24, 2022]
News: Ring-maker Campaign Spoiler [Apr 01, 2022]
Bear Market: Starter Deck Support [Mar 07, 2022]
Deck: Valiant Defense [Feb 28, 2022]
Deck: Bloodless Victory [Feb 15, 2022]
Metagame: Balance of Power [Feb 04, 2022]
Poll Results: Favorite Cycle [Jan 30, 2022]
Content Winner: Gratitude [Jan 20, 2022]
New: Celebrating 9 years of the Hall [Jan 11, 2022]
Contest: Gratitude [Dec 20, 2021]
Discussion: The Downfall of Númenor – Part 2 [Dec 04, 2021]
Discussion: The Downfall of Númenor – Part 1 [Dec 02, 2021]
News: A Bear in Croatia [Nov 20, 2021]
Alternate Art: Eagle Storm [Nov 04, 2021]
Metagame: The Core of the Problem [Nov 18, 2021]
Deck Spotlight: Bear Draft at Con of the Rings 2021 [Oct 05, 2021]
News: Con of the Rings 2021 [Sep 29, 2021]
News: A Long-extended Party - Hidden Roosts [Sep 05, 2021]
Key Concepts: Surviving the Early Game Part 4 - Lore [Sep 02, 2021]
Key Concepts: Surviving the Early Game Part 3 - Spirit [Aug 24, 2021]
Key Concepts: Surviving the Early Game Part 2 - Tactics [Aug 01, 2021]
Key Concepts: Surviving the Early Game Part 1 - Leadership [Jul 20, 2021]
Bear Market: The Aldburg Plot [Jul 11, 2021]
Play Report: Epic Helm's Deep [Jun 21, 2021]
News: Epic Helm's Deep, Streaming this Saturday [Jun 15, 2021]
Bear Market: Children of Eorl [Jun 06, 2021]
Alternate Art: Wilderland Wildlife Sanctuary [May 30, 2021]
Alternate Art: Nurn Hobits [Apr 17, 2021]
News: A Long-extended Party - Beorn [Apr 01, 2021]
Deck: Ride to Bruin [Mar 26, 2021]
Deck: The Second Coming [Mar 20, 2021]
Key Concepts: Learning How to Lose [Mar 06, 2021]
Contest Winners: Celebrating 8 Years [Feb 15, 2021]
Custom Cards: A Little Help from our Friends [Feb 12, 2021]
Poll Results: Favorites from Wilds of Rhovanion and Ered Mithrin [Feb 03, 2021]
Bear Market: Tier 2 Favorites [Jan 22, 2021]
Contest: Celebrating 8 Years [Jan 13, 2021]
Deck 2020 - It's a Trap! [Dec 31, 2020]
News: A Long-extended Party - Worthy of Remembrance [Dec 14, 2020]
Play Report: A Weary Pilgrim Hunts the Dreadnaught [Dec 06, 2020]
Alternate Art: The Old Elf and the Sea [Dec 01, 2020]
Alternate Art: The Last Temptation of Boromir [Nov 17, 2020]
Alternate Art: Gift of the First-Beorn [Nov 01, 2020]
Alternate Art: Nouveau Hunters [Oct 20, 2020]
Custom Cards: Filling in the Gaps [Oct 10, 2020]
Contest Winners: Carry on the Story [Sep 21, 2020]
Alternate Art: Nightmare in the Fog [Aug 12, 2020]
Contest: Carry on the Story [Aug 06, 2020]
Vision of the Palantir: Nightmare Conflict at the Carrock [Jul 11, 2020]
Discussion: Isolation and Tribalism [Jun 04, 2020]
Alternate Art: Grimbeorn's Path [May 04, 2020]
News: LotR Dutch Blogger [Apr 12, 2020]
Custom Cards: Nightmare Escape from Umbar [Apr 04, 2020]
Alternate Art: All the Pretty Horses [Mar 15, 2020]
Alternate Art: Core Set Completion [Feb 28, 2020]
Alternate Art: Wandering in Search of the Entwives [Feb 14, 2020]
Long are the Waves on the Last Shore [Jan 20, 2020]
Vengeance of Mordor: My Favorites So Far [Dec 17, 2019]
Alternate Art: Starlight on the Western Seas [Nov 10, 2019]
Alternate Art: Bear Jamboree [Oct 02, 2019]
Alternate Art: The Three Hunters Aggro v2 [Sep 16, 2019]
Alternate Art: Errata [Sep 08, 2019]
Poll Results: Which archetypes most deserve more support [Sep 02, 2019]
My favorites from The Wilds of Rhovanion and Ered Mithrin Cycle [Aug 27, 2019]
Alternate Art: Seven Stars and Seven Stones [Aug 17, 2019]
Alternate Art: The Greatest Adventure [Jul 05, 2019]
Alternate Art: A Weary Pilgrim [Jun 20, 2019]
Alternate Art: Aggro Outlands [May 15, 2019]
Bear Draft v5 at Lure of Middle-earth 2019 [Mar 02, 2019]
Alternate Art: Whispers in the Trees [Feb 13, 2019]
Alternate Art: The One Deck [Jan 21, 2019]
A Few, Key, Words [Jan 07, 2019]
Making Every Card Count [Dec 22, 2018]
Alternate Art: Carrock and Eyrie [Dec 08, 2018]
Adventures in Central Europe - Part One: Hungary [Nov 10, 2018]
Bear Draft v4 at Con of the Rings 2018 [Oct 18, 2018]
Hall of Beorn now includes the Digital Card Game [Sep 11, 2018]
Deck: Shire Yard Sale [Aug 12, 2018]
Bear Market: A Half Dozen Deliveries Destined for Dale [Jul 09, 2018]
Play Report: Journey up the Anduin and into Mirkwood [Jun 26, 2018]
Con of the Rings [Jun 07, 2018]
News: Viva Las Chingonas! [May 11, 2018]
Poll Results: Where Should the Game Go? [May 07, 2018]
Deck: Las Chingonas! [Apr 24, 2018]
Discussion: We're Having Cubs! [Apr 01, 2018]
Bear Market: Sands of Harad and Haradrim Cycle [Mar 19, 2018]
News: Portugal. The Country, and the Deck. [Feb 18, 2018]
Play Report: Braving the Crossings of Poros [Feb 11, 2018]
Play Report: Withstanding the Onslaught at Helm's Deep [Jan 19, 2018]
Play Report: Escape from the Dungeons of Cirith Gurat [Dec 08, 2017]
Poll Results: Your preferred play style [Dec 01, 2017]
Metagame: Wandering the Wilderlands [Nov 19, 2017]
Alternate Art by Potawo [Nov 12, 2017]
Game: Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse [Oct 05, 2017]
Deck: The Storm Comes [Sep 07, 2017]
Deck: The Sixth Bear Army [Sep 05, 2017]
Fastred Outwits the Black Serpent [Aug 05, 2017]
Caldara bests the Black Serpent [Jul 24, 2017]
Deck: Solo First Turn Win [Jul 05, 2017]
Poll Results: Where should the next cycle go? [Jun 03, 2017]
Play Report: A Vacation, with Spider Ceviche [May 27, 2017]
Play Report: My Mûmak's Name is Homer [Apr 14, 2017]
Play Report: Caldara and friends win the Race Across Harad [Apr 03, 2017]
Discussion: Tolkien, Politics, and Hobbies vs. "Real Life" [Mar 13, 2017]
Alternate Art: Aggro Caldara v3 [Mar 10, 2017]
Alternate Art: Printer Studio [Feb 16, 2017]
Reworking the Early Card Pool [Jan 11, 2017]
Play Report: Dúnedain hold back The Long Arm of Mordor [Jan 11, 2017]
Poll Results: Favorite New Hero [Dec 20, 2016]
History: Big as a House [Dec 12, 2016]
Play Report: Three Hunters Aggro Braves the Desert Crossing [Dec 09, 2016]
Play Report: The Model UN Embargoes Captain Sahír [Nov 22, 2016]
Play Report: Surviving the Siege of Annúminas [Nov 21, 2016]
The Story So Far - Part 1: Shadows of Mirkwood [Nov 11, 2016]
A new Power is rising [Nov 10, 2016]
Arkham LCG Card Search and A Call For Support [Nov 04, 2016]
Play Report: Redemption at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields! [Oct 19, 2016]
Play Report: The Battle of the Pelennor Fields was a Massacre [Oct 12, 2016]
Alternate Art: Zero is not Nothing [Sep 20, 2016]
Bear Draft v3: Card Pool [Sep 07, 2016]
Bear Draft v3: Havens [Aug 25, 2016]
Play Report: The Might of Caldara [Aug 05, 2016]
Bear Market: Hero Showdown [Jul 25, 2016]
Community Deck Spotlight: Defenders of Annuminas [Jul 22, 2016]
Bear Draft v3: Signature Squads [Jul 18, 2016]
News: An Unexpected Party [Jul 12, 2016]
Play Report: Bear on Board [Jun 22, 2016]
Alternate Art: Magali Villeneuve [May 30, 2016]
Poll Results: Favorite Archetype as of 2015 [May 28, 2016]
Deck: The Grudge [May 16, 2016]
Deck: Counsels of the Wise [Apr 19, 2016]
Discussion: The Game is Dying [Apr 01, 2016]
Make Middle-earth Great Again [Mar 21, 2016]
Deck: Círdan, A Power Long Hidden [Feb 15, 2016]
Deck: Reaches of the Realm [Feb 06, 2016]
Metagame: Part 6 - A Unique Challenge [Jan 25, 2016]
Poll Results: Favorite Support Hero [Jan 12, 2016]
Metagame: Early Spring Cleaning [Jan 10, 2016]
Alternate Art Staples [Dec 24, 2015]
Deck: The Dúnedain Trappers [Dec 10, 2015]
Contest Winners: Bree-land Investigators [Dec 05, 2015]
Deck: The Bear's Revenge [Nov 23, 2015]
Contest: Bree-land Investigators [Nov 15, 2015]
Gen Con 2015 Bear Draft - Deck Lists [Oct 28, 2015]
Bear Draft version 2 [Oct 26, 2015]
Custom Cards: Defenders of the Carrock [Oct 21, 2015]
Deck: Rally the Troops [Sep 22, 2015]
Poll Results: Favorite Defending Hero [Sep 16, 2015]
Gothmog's Dark Corridor 2: The Dunland Trap [Sep 14, 2015]
Beorn's Path 16 - Flight from Moria [Sep 12, 2015]
Gothmog's Corridor 1: The Hunt for Gollum [Sep 08, 2015]
Beorn's Path 15 - The Seventh Level [Sep 07, 2015]
Support The Hall of Beorn Card Search on Patreon [Sep 04, 2015]
El Libro Rojo De Bolsón Cerrado [Sep 01, 2015]
Bear Market: Rethinking Some Staples [Aug 19, 2015]
Deck: Refuge at Henneth Annûn [Aug 17, 2015]
A Tribute to David Poage [Jul 19, 2015]
Deck: A Walk with Fangorn [Jul 09, 2015]
Poll Results: Favorite Attacking Hero [Jun 27, 2015]
Bear Draft was a hit with the Austin LotR Group [Jun 12, 2015]
Deck: Champion of Gondor [Jun 05, 2015]
GenCon 2015: Bear Draft [May 29, 2015]
Epic Victory Defending Helm's Deep from The Treason of Saruman! [May 15, 2015]
Deck: Revenge of the Nerds [May 09, 2015]
Helms Deep Falls to an Onslaught of Uruk-hai [May 06, 2015]
Beware the Spirits of the Deadmen's Dike [May 02, 2015]
Deck: The Wind Beneath My Wings [Apr 27, 2015]
Deck: The Might of Rohan [Apr 19, 2015]
Bear Market: 5 Invaluable Cards for Multi-player [Apr 09, 2015]
Contest Winner: Unicorn Power [Apr 04, 2015]
Appalachian Bear Rescue [Apr 01, 2015]
Contest: Unicorn Power [Mar 27, 2015]
Deck: For the Shire! [Mar 26, 2015]
Key Concepts: Sideboarding [Mar 15, 2015]
Poll Results: Favorite Core Set Staple [Feb 23, 2015]
Contest Winner: Recipes from a Halfling's Pantry [Feb 21, 2015]
Contest: Recipes from a Halfling's Pantry [Feb 17, 2015]
Deck: Eagles and Ents [Feb 09, 2015]
Deck: Wisdom, Bravery and Folly [Feb 04, 2015]
Metagame: Part 5 - FAQs and an Evolving Metagame [Jan 26, 2015]
Decks: The House of Elrond [Jan 20, 2015]
Custom Cards: Alternate Art Core Set Heroes [Jan 17, 2015]
The Second Hand Took: Of Bears and Blogs [Jan 17, 2015]
Bear Market: Leadership for Ents and Dúnedain [Jan 11, 2015]
Two Years of the Hall of Beorn [Jan 04, 2015]
Deck: Defenders of Rhovanion [Jan 03, 2015]
Poll Results: Most wanted from Ring-maker Cycle [Dec 31, 2014]
Contest: Master of Lore's Battle of Five Armies Custom Card [Dec 31, 2014]
Contest Winner: Heroic Deeds [Dec 19, 2014]
The Grey Company at The Battle of Five Armies [Dec 15, 2014]
Deck: Brave Explorers [Dec 14, 2014]
Contest: Heroic Deeds [Dec 09, 2014]
Deck: Look to the Skies [Dec 04, 2014]
The Grey Company Was Sadly Unable to Discover Celebrimbor's Secret [Dec 01, 2014]
Contest: Ring-maker Winner [Nov 28, 2014]
Contest: Ring-maker Entries [Nov 25, 2014]
Breaking News: Giant Bear Dominates In Battle, None Surprised [Nov 18, 2014]
The Hobbits Overcome Bellach, and Discover Celebrimbor's Secret [Nov 16, 2014]
Contest: Become a Ring-maker! [Nov 14, 2014]
Bear Market: Aggro Archetype [Nov 11, 2014]
Deck: Rohan Cavalry [Oct 28, 2014]
Bear With Me: Advanced Search [Oct 20, 2014]
Contest Winner: Just Desserts For A Dark Road [Oct 18, 2014]
Contest: Just Desserts For A Dark Road (Updated) [Oct 14, 2014]
Breaking of the Fellowship Did Not Break the Grey Company [Oct 11, 2014]
Bear Market: Tempo Archetype [Oct 01, 2014]
Bear With Me: Text Analysis [Sep 24, 2014]
Key Concepts: Grading [Sep 14, 2014]
Not Too Much Trouble in Tharbad [Sep 10, 2014]
Deck: Daughters of Númenor (and Valinor) [Sep 05, 2014]
Deck: Sons of Númenor [Sep 02, 2014]
Deck: Haldir the Hunter [Aug 26, 2014]
Deck: GenCon 2014 (Updated) [Aug 11, 2014]
Metagame: Part 4 - Core Set Supplements [Aug 06, 2014]
Deck: Out of Ithilien [Jul 30, 2014]
3 Things I Like About the Ring-maker Cycle [Jul 19, 2014]
Beorn's Path: Part 14 - Into the Pit [Jul 17, 2014]
Deck: Aggro Boromir [Jul 10, 2014]
Boromir Laughs At Dunlendings! [Jul 10, 2014]
The Grey Company is Snared in The Dunland Trap [Jul 07, 2014]
Deck: The Window on the West [Jul 01, 2014]
Visita Susurros del Bosque Viejo [Jun 29, 2014]
Poll Results: Favorite Strategy [Jun 26, 2014]
To Catch an Orc (Predator) [Jun 21, 2014]
Contest Winner: Leave None Alive [Jun 17, 2014]
Deck: Creature Feature [Jun 14, 2014]
Contest: Leave None Alive [Jun 09, 2014]
Beorning Bee Keeper In Action! [Jun 07, 2014]
Bear Market: Silvan Cards [May 09, 2014]
Deck: The White Council [May 07, 2014]
Deck: Boromir's Sacrifice [May 01, 2014]
Poll Results: Favorite Epic Moments in The Lord of the Rings [Apr 26, 2014]
Key Concepts: Splashing [Apr 17, 2014]
Key Concepts: Traits - Rohan [Apr 04, 2014]
Friendship Is Magic [Apr 01, 2014]
Deck: Ride Them Down! [Mar 25, 2014]
Bear Market: 5 Great Glue Cards [Mar 21, 2014]
Contest Winner: Raiding the Kitchen of Orthanc [Mar 18, 2014]
The Lure of Power [Mar 13, 2014]
Deck: Westfold to the Rescue [Mar 07, 2014]
Contest: Raiding the Kitchen of Orthanc [Mar 06, 2014]
The Grey Company Dominates at the Fords of Isen [Mar 03, 2014]
12 Angry Glorfindels. Your Argument Is Invalid [Mar 03, 2014]
Narrow Escape from the Fords of Isen [Mar 01, 2014]
Poll Results: What is your favorite section of Hall of Beorn? [Feb 28, 2014]
Decks: The Battle of Five Armies [Feb 27, 2014]
News: Voice of Isengard Player Card Spoilers [Feb 24, 2014]
Community News - February 2014 [Feb 23, 2014]
Troll of the Week: The Critic [Feb 19, 2014]
Key Concepts: Control [Feb 01, 2014]
Custom Cards: The Last Stand of the Rohirrim [Jan 30, 2014]
A Hint of Things to Come? [Jan 26, 2014]
Deck: Digging Too Deep [Jan 25, 2014]
Deck: A Desperate Gambit [Jan 20, 2014]
History: Absent, But Not Forgotten [Jan 19, 2014]
The Grey Company: Troll Exterminators For Hire [Jan 14, 2014]
The Grey Company Defends The Carrock From Nightmarish Trolls [Jan 12, 2014]
History: Lord of the Rings LCG Timeline (Updated 4/30/2018) [Jan 11, 2014]
Key Concepts: Resource Curves [Jan 08, 2014]
The Hall of Beorn Celebrates One Year! [Jan 04, 2014]
Poll Results: What other kinds of games do you play? [Jan 03, 2014]
Custom Cards: Hobbit Fealty [Jan 03, 2014]
Merry Christmas! [Dec 24, 2013]
Deck: Warriors of the White Tower [Dec 17, 2013]
Deck: The Spirit of Gondor [Dec 17, 2013]
Deck: Faramir and the Rangers of Ithilien [Dec 16, 2013]
Discussion: Peter Jackson, Please Don't Mess This Up! [Dec 13, 2013]
Community News - December 2013 [Dec 11, 2013]
Food In the Hobbit [Dec 09, 2013]
Contest Winner: A Very Good Tale [Dec 08, 2013]
The Grey Company Survives The Morgul Vale [Dec 07, 2013]
Deck: Boromir Leads the Charge! [Dec 05, 2013]
HallOfBeorn.com is live! [Nov 29, 2013]
The Grey Company Podcast - Episode 2 [Nov 28, 2013]
Poll Results: Hardest Standard Scenario [Nov 22, 2013]
Contest: A Very Good Tale [Nov 22, 2013]
Key Concepts: Factions [Nov 16, 2013]
Community News - November 2013 [Nov 16, 2013]
The Grey Company Podcast - Episode 1 [Nov 13, 2013]
Key Concepts: Timing [Nov 01, 2013]
Deck: Caldara's Sacrifice [Oct 31, 2013]
The Grey Company [Oct 30, 2013]
Custom Cards: The Fifth Sphere [Oct 26, 2013]
Key Concepts: Shielding [Oct 11, 2013]
Trouble at the Lonely Mountain [Oct 08, 2013]
Poll Results: Favorite Core Set or Shadows of Mirkwood Scenario [Oct 01, 2013]
Deck: Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe [Sep 28, 2013]
Community News - September 2013 [Sep 23, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 13 - Return to Mirkwood [Sep 23, 2013]
Deck: Rangers and Traps [Sep 19, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 12 - The Dead Marshes [Sep 12, 2013]
Troll of the Week: "Ray Lunettes" [Sep 10, 2013]
Poll Results: Most Wanted Character in The Black Riders [Sep 09, 2013]
Custom Cards: The Might of Gondor [Sep 05, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 11 - The Hills of Emyn Muil [Sep 02, 2013]
Bear Market: Old Cards with New Relevance [Aug 30, 2013]
Contest Winner: Most Underrated Hero [Aug 29, 2013]
Bear Market: 5 Great Cards From Black Riders [Aug 21, 2013]
Contest: Most Underrated Hero [Aug 19, 2013]
Decks: GenCon 2013 [Aug 04, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 10 - A Journey to Rhosgobel [Jul 28, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 9 - Conflict at the Carrock [Jul 22, 2013]
Game Variant: Wandering Kinsfolk [Jul 13, 2013]
The Hunt for Gollum is Underway [Jul 03, 2013]
Deck: Prisoner of the Dark Forest [Jul 03, 2013]
Deck: Reclaiming Khazad-dûm [Jul 01, 2013]
Troll of the Week: "Alice" [Jun 29, 2013]
Deck: Three Kings, a Queen, and a Prince [Jun 28, 2013]
Play Report: Illuminating the Long Dark [Jun 25, 2013]
Key Concepts: Affinity [Jun 23, 2013]
Deck: The Grey Company Defends Gondor [Jun 20, 2013]
Contest Winner: Favorite Beorning [Jun 19, 2013]
Deck: Magali Tribute [Jun 14, 2013]
Contest: Favorite Beorning [Jun 12, 2013]
Poll Results: Favorite Deck Archetype [Jun 12, 2013]
Deck: Beorn Attacks! [Jun 11, 2013]
Art: Beorn Attacks! [Jun 06, 2013]
Recipe: Beorn's Honey Cakes [Jun 05, 2013]
Play Report: Vanquishing the Steward's Fear! [Jun 05, 2013]
Contest: Create a Beorning [Jun 04, 2013]
Deck: Masters of the Forest [Jun 03, 2013]
Deck: The Field of Cormallen [May 31, 2013]
Deck: Isildur's Heir [May 28, 2013]
Metagame: Part 3 - Traits and Choice [May 27, 2013]
Poll Results: Most Wanted Attachment [May 25, 2013]
Deck: Flight to the Ford [May 19, 2013]
Custom Cards: Most Wanted Attachments [Apr 10, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 8 - Playtesting (The Hunt For Gollum) [Apr 08, 2013]
News: The Future of the Hall of Beorn [Apr 01, 2013]
Deck: Two Kingdoms Reunited [Mar 31, 2013]
Deck: Háma Takes Archery Lessons [Mar 29, 2013]
Poll Results: Most Wanted Ally Card [Mar 24, 2013]
Deck: Bard Goes Hunting [Mar 16, 2013]
Key Concepts: 5 Shadow Effects to Beware Of [Mar 08, 2013]
Metagame: Part 2 - Errata [Mar 01, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 7 - Deck Tuning (The Hunt For Gollum) [Feb 26, 2013]
Poll Results: How do you play the game? [Feb 20, 2013]
Key Concepts: Efficiency [Feb 20, 2013]
Art: Does Asfaloth Fear the Witch-King? Naaaaay!!! [Feb 18, 2013]
Deck: The Island of Misfit Heroes [Feb 18, 2013]
Key Concepts: Force Multiplication [Feb 16, 2013]
Art: What I Did On My Vacation to Erebor [Feb 13, 2013]
Deck: Balin Holds the Line [Feb 12, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 6 - Escape from Dol Guldur [Feb 12, 2013]
New Lord of the Rings LCG Blog: Master of Lore [Feb 12, 2013]
Game Variant: The Song of Tom Bombadil [Feb 08, 2013]
Deck: The Rohirrim Ride with the Grey Company [Feb 08, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 5 - Building a Second Core Set Deck [Feb 06, 2013]
Deck: The Power of the Palantir [Feb 05, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 4 - Journey Along the Anduin [Feb 04, 2013]
Bear Market: 5 Fun Cards With Surprising Utility [Feb 02, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 3 - Deck Tuning [Jan 31, 2013]
Deck: Lore Mastery [Jan 31, 2013]
Poll Results: Which Play Style(s) Are You? [Jan 31, 2013]
Decks: Dwarves at the Circus [Jan 30, 2013]
Metagame: Part 1 - Current State and Future Direction of Lord of the Rings LCG [Jan 30, 2013]
Key Concepts: Play Style [Jan 28, 2013]
Deck: Location Control [Jan 28, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 2 - Playtesting [Jan 25, 2013]
Beorn's Path: Part 1 - Core Set Deck Building [Jan 24, 2013]
Deck: Boromir and the Seven Dwarves [Jan 22, 2013]
Bear Market: Who would I most want to have my back in a bar fight? [Jan 21, 2013]
Deck: Vilya, The Ring of Air [Jan 19, 2013]
Key Concepts: Versatility [Jan 18, 2013]
Poll Results: Most Wanted Hero Card [Jan 17, 2013]
Decks: Direct Damage [Jan 16, 2013]
Bear Market: 5 Overlooked Events for Heirs of Númenor [Jan 15, 2013]
Decks: Renewed Friendships [Jan 14, 2013]
Deck: Secrets of Erebor 2 [Jan 12, 2013]
Key Concepts: Traits - Dwarf [Jan 12, 2013]
Key Concepts: Support [Jan 09, 2013]
Decks: Battle of the Pelennor Fields [Jan 09, 2013]
Deck: Secrets of Erebor [Jan 07, 2013]
Key Concepts: Roles [Jan 07, 2013]
Key Concepts: Synergy [Jan 06, 2013]