Master of Lore

Quest Profile 081: Beneath the Sands [Jun 26, 2018]
The Edain of Middle-Earth [Jan 02, 2018]
Of Orcs: Part I - Origins [Dec 19, 2017]
Siege of Ann£minas [Jan 14, 2017]
The Sands of Harad [Jan 05, 2017]
Quest Profile 004: The Hunt for Gollum [Nov 10, 2016]
Quest Profile 003: Escape from Dol Guldur [Oct 30, 2016]
Quest Profile 002: Journey Along the Anduin [Oct 24, 2016]
Quest Profile 001: Passage Through Mirkwood [Oct 19, 2016]
To the Sea! To the Sea! [May 30, 2016]
Azain Silverbeard [May 25, 2016]
Mariner's Compass [May 14, 2016]
Galdor of the Havens [Mar 10, 2016]
Gimli's "True Name" [Feb 28, 2016]
Three Year Anniversary [Feb 25, 2016]
Wight of Rhudaur [Feb 22, 2016]
Shrine to Morgoth [Feb 20, 2016]
Long Groping Arm [Feb 19, 2016]
White Warg and Wolf of Angmar [Feb 16, 2016]
Derndingle Warrior [Feb 14, 2016]
Sarn Ford Sentry [Nov 10, 2015]
Thematic Playthrough #6: Deadmen's Dike [Sep 21, 2015]
Barliman Butterbur [Sep 14, 2015]
Celebrimbor's Secret [Mar 16, 2015]
Anticipating Angmar Awakened: The Geography [Feb 22, 2015]
The Dunedain: From Elros to Aragorn [Feb 18, 2015]
Anticipating Angmar Awakened: The History [Feb 17, 2015]
Anticipating Angmar Awakened: The Heroes [Jan 31, 2015]
Thematic Playthrough #5: Wielders of the Three [Jan 23, 2015]
Movie Review: The Battle of the Five Armies [Jan 03, 2015]
Contest: The Battle of the Five Armies Custom Cards [Dec 27, 2014]
The Nin-in-Eilph [Nov 08, 2014]
Theme Deck: [Smoke] Ring-makers [Oct 20, 2014]
Ending and Failing [Aug 26, 2014]
The Prancing Pony [Aug 08, 2014]
Theme Deck: The Three Trials [Aug 04, 2014]
Introducing Master of Lore's LOTR LCG Atlas [Jul 26, 2014]
Song of Earendil [Jul 14, 2014]
How to Pronounce D in Ironfoot [Jul 13, 2014]
Theme Deck: The Dunland Trap [Jul 06, 2014]
The Dunland Trap Encounter Cards [Jun 28, 2014]
Theme Deck: Heroes of Wilderland [May 18, 2014]
Special Feature: The Others [Apr 26, 2014]
Artist Spotlight: Owen William Weber [Apr 25, 2014]
Encounter Card Dividers Update #1 [Apr 18, 2014]
Trollshaw Scout [Apr 18, 2014]
Reader Comments #1 [Mar 11, 2014]
Fight at the Fords [Mar 09, 2014]
Out of the Dungeons [Feb 26, 2014]
New Content: Hasty Strokes [Feb 22, 2014]
Thematic Playthroughs #1-4 [Feb 16, 2014]
Movie Review: The Desolation of Smaug [Dec 15, 2013]
Nazgul of Dol Guldur [Nov 16, 2013]
Encounter Card Dividers [Nov 02, 2013]
New Podcast: The Grey Company [Oct 30, 2013]
Gameplay Music: Black Riders [Oct 25, 2013]
Artist Spotlight: Ben Zweifel [Oct 04, 2013]
Custom Card: Tom Bombadil [Sep 28, 2013]
Old Forest Road [Sep 22, 2013]
Player Card Binder [Sep 14, 2013]
Elladan & Elrohir [Sep 04, 2013]
Boots from Erebor [Aug 13, 2013]
Hirluin the Fair [Jul 22, 2013]
Blood of Numenor [Jun 24, 2013]
The Hand of Castamir [Apr 27, 2013]
The Eagles Are Coming! [Mar 18, 2013]
Ungoliant's Spawn [Feb 23, 2013]