The Grey Company

68 - Book Club XXV - The Grey Havens [May 07, 2019]
67 - Book Club XXIV - Long live the Halflings! [Jan 17, 2019]
66 - Book Club XXIII - Mount Doom [Nov 14, 2018]
65b - The Con of the Rings Recap [Oct 22, 2018]
65a - Tim and Luke of FFI [Oct 15, 2018]
64 - Book Club XXII - Debate at the Gate [Sep 03, 2018]
63 - Book Club XXI - Pyres and Healing [Aug 20, 2018]
62 - Book Club XX - To Battle! [Jul 23, 2018]
61 - Book Club XIX - Minas Tirith [Jun 25, 2018]
60 - Book Club XVIII - Shelob [Jun 11, 2018]
59 - Book Club XVII - Rabbits and Fish [May 21, 2018]
58 - Book Club XVI [Mar 13, 2018]
57 - Book Club XV [Feb 14, 2018]
56 - Book Club XIV [Jan 26, 2018]
55 - Book Club XIII [Jan 07, 2018]
54 - Book Club XII [Dec 13, 2017]
The Grey Company in Space [Oct 05, 2017]
53 - Book Club XI [Jul 15, 2017]
52 - Book Club X [Jun 14, 2017]
51 - Book Club IX [Apr 04, 2017]
50 - Deck Doctor [Feb 14, 2017]
49 - Sands of Harad [Dec 30, 2016]
48 - Book Club VIII [Nov 16, 2016]
47 - Power vs Theme [Oct 10, 2016]
46 - Book Club VII [Sep 19, 2016]
45 - Ally Showdown [Aug 26, 2016]
44 - Temple of the Deceived [Jul 29, 2016]
43 - Hero Showdown [Jul 08, 2016]
42 - Book Club VI [Jun 16, 2016]
41 - Benchmarking [May 26, 2016]
40 - Stormcaller [May 11, 2016]
39 - Alternatives to Staples [Apr 21, 2016]
38 - Book Club V [Mar 31, 2016]
37 - The Grey Havens [Mar 09, 2016]
36 - Angmar Wrapup [Feb 17, 2016]
35 - Luck vs. Skill [Jan 15, 2016]
34 - Book Club IV - [Dec 29, 2015]
33 - Staples and Sideboards [Dec 03, 2015]
32 - Anniversary Show [Oct 30, 2015]
31 - Book Club III - Three is Company [Oct 14, 2015]
30 - Over/Under [Sep 25, 2015]
29 -Book Club II - Long-expected Shadows [Aug 23, 2015]
28 - Caleb Grace (GenCon 2015) [Aug 06, 2015]
26 - Helm's Deep [Jun 23, 2015]
25 - Book Club I - Prologue [May 31, 2015]
24b - The Lost Realm (Quests) [May 13, 2015]
24a - The Lost Realm (Player Cards) [Apr 09, 2015]
23 - The Core Set [Mar 19, 2015]
22 - The Hobbit Special [Feb 27, 2015]
21 - Evolution with Matt Newman [Feb 03, 2015]
20b - More Lore [Jan 27, 2015]
19 - Year in Review 2014 [Dec 30, 2014]
18 - Leadership [Nov 21, 2014]
16 - Roads Darken [Oct 21, 2014]
15b - Mirkwood Pioneer [Sep 27, 2014]
15a - Tri-Sphere [Sep 20, 2014]
12 - Common Mistakes [Jul 22, 2014]
11b - Dunland Trap Fire Impressions [Jun 30, 2014]
11a - The One Deck [Jun 06, 2014]
10 - Thematic Decks [May 16, 2014]
9 - Keeping the Game Fresh [Apr 22, 2014]
7 - Mitril Loincloth [Mar 13, 2014]
6 - Deck Building Part Two [Feb 17, 2014]
5 - Nightmare Conflict at the Carrock [Jan 24, 2014]
3 - The Morgul Vale [Dec 11, 2013]