The Lords of Gondor Channel

Nightmare Flight from Moria 2P - Lords of Gondor S2 Ep 3 [Jul 14, 2021]
Nightmare Into the Pit 2P - Lords of Gondor S2 Premiere - Same Decks Every Quest [Jul 05, 2021]
Nightmare Return to Mirkwood Solo - The Best Deck S1 Finale - Same Deck Every Quest [Jun 27, 2021]
Nightmare Return to Mirkwood 2P - Lords of Gondor S1 Ep 9 - Same Decks Every Quest [Jun 24, 2021]
Nightmare The Dead Marshes 2P - The Lords of Gondor S1 Ep 8 - Same Deck Every Quest [Jun 16, 2021]
Nightmare The Dead Marshes Solo - The Best Deck S1 Ep 8 - Same Deck Every Quest [Jun 16, 2021]
Nightmare A Journey to Rhosgobel Solo - The Best Deck S1 Ep 6 [Jun 09, 2021]
The Grima Issue - The Best Season 1 Intermission [Jun 09, 2021]
The History of One Decks and Introduction to the Best Deck - Prologue Episode [May 28, 2021]