The Secondhand Took

Fool of a Took: Wilds of Rhovanion Player Cards [Jun 15, 2018]
Proudfeet (Part 3): Return of the Took and Lost in the Woods [Jun 08, 2018]
First Impressions: The Black Serpent [Aug 30, 2017]
Proudfeet (Part 2): A Black Rider Appears [Jul 12, 2017]
Art in the LOTR: LCG - Owen William Weber [Jul 05, 2017]
Proudfeet - My Journey to Mordor [Jun 21, 2017]
Art in the LOTR: LCG - Katy Grierson [Jun 19, 2017]
First Impressions: Beneath the Sands [May 30, 2017]
Good Morning: Or, Channeling My Inner Bilbo [May 16, 2017]
Hero of the Month Deck: Oh Come On, We Can Take `Em! [Apr 24, 2017]
Diva: The Secondhand Cat [Apr 18, 2017]
First Impressions: Race Across Harad [Apr 16, 2017]
April Hero of the Month: Beorn [Apr 13, 2017]
Gildor's Counsel: Redemption Song [Apr 10, 2017]
March Hero of the Month: Na'asiyah [Mar 13, 2017]
Hero of the Month Deck: Pippin Goes Ranging [Mar 02, 2017]
Deck Tech: A Walking Song [Feb 21, 2017]
February Hero of the Month: Pippin [Feb 13, 2017]
Filling Up the Corners - Rick Remender [Feb 10, 2017]
The Mumakil - First Impressions [Feb 06, 2017]
Gildor's Counsel: Mounts of The Lobby [Jan 27, 2017]
Art in the LOTR: LCG - Lucas Durham [Jan 16, 2017]
January Hero of the Month: Elfhelm [Jan 13, 2017]
A New Age Begins: 2017 (and looking back) [Jan 04, 2017]
Filling up the Corners: Christmas Edition [Dec 14, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: The Three Questers [Dec 13, 2016]
December Hero of the Month: Gimli [Dec 08, 2016]
Custom Play Mat Contest Winner [Nov 22, 2016]
State of the Blog and Contest Update [Nov 06, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Bifur, of Many Colors [Oct 10, 2016]
Objective Opinions - Chief Turch [Sep 13, 2016]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Piya Wannachaiwong [Sep 06, 2016]
September Hero of the Month - Bifur [Sep 02, 2016]
Filling up the Corners - Kubo and the Two Strings [Aug 22, 2016]
Objective Opinions - Nalir [Aug 19, 2016]
Filling Up the Corners: Took's Top* Ten [Aug 17, 2016]
Eleanor, the Bard [Aug 16, 2016]
Gildor's Counsel: Quest, Quest, Quest - Community Deck Spotlight [Aug 11, 2016]
Double Trouble - August Hero of the Month - Eleanor? [Aug 04, 2016]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Alvaro Calvo Escudero [Jul 26, 2016]
Objective Opinions: Grima Wormtongue [Jul 15, 2016]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Hobbits [Jul 13, 2016]
July Hero of the Month: Eleanor [Jul 06, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Merry, Guard of the Citadel [Jun 14, 2016]
June Hero of the Month: Denethor [Jun 03, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Objective Opinions - Faramir! [May 26, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: The House of Eorl [May 24, 2016]
Dragon's Lair Comics [May 16, 2016]
Filling up the Corners: Millennium Blades [May 03, 2016]
May Hero of the Month: Eomer [May 02, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Deck Tech - Wielders of the Three [Apr 21, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Crafty Elves [Apr 18, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Objective Opinions - Lord Alceron [Apr 15, 2016]
April Hero of the Month: Haldir of Lorien [Apr 11, 2016]
The Hills Are Alive: Lord of the Rings Deckbuilders [Mar 30, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Ents of Ithilien [Mar 23, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Objective Opinions - Celador and Ithilien Guardian [Mar 13, 2016]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - A. M. Sartor [Mar 10, 2016]
March Hero of the Month: Leadership Faramir [Mar 07, 2016]
Filling up the Corners - Specter Ops [Feb 29, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: The Travelers [Feb 22, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Objective Opinions - Arwen Undomiel [Feb 17, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Children of Elrond [Feb 11, 2016]
February Hero of the Month: Arwen Undomiel [Feb 07, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Objective Opinions - Gollum [Feb 05, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Rules of Engagement [Feb 04, 2016]
Art in the LOTR: LCG - Tom Garden [Jan 29, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Aragorn, Lord of Morthond [Jan 28, 2016]
Hero of the Month Deck: Leader of Men [Jan 22, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Objective Opinions - Wilyador [Jan 21, 2016]
Filling up the Corners: Battlecon [Jan 20, 2016]
January Hero of the Month: Aragorn [Jan 18, 2016]
From the Windlord's Eyrie: Objective Opinions [Dec 30, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: Keep your Enemies Closer [Dec 10, 2015]
Filling up the Corners: Rhino Hero [Dec 08, 2015]
December Hero of the Month: Amarthiul [Dec 08, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: Shadows Over Lothlorien [Nov 09, 2015]
The Secondhand Took Unboxes: The Battle of Carn Dum Player Cards [Nov 09, 2015]
November Hero of the Month: Grima [Nov 01, 2015]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Halloween Edition [Oct 31, 2015]
Filling up the Corners: Lord of the Rings- The Confrontation [Oct 27, 2015]
From the Windlord's Eyrie - Advise From the Great and the Small [Oct 25, 2015]
Elrond: Lord of the Outlands [Oct 15, 2015]
One Year* with the Took [Oct 13, 2015]
October Hero of the Month: Elrond [Oct 01, 2015]
Deck Tech: Boil `Em, Mash `Em, Stick `Em in a Stew [Sep 22, 2015]
September Contest Winner! [Sep 20, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: Against the Shadow [Sep 16, 2015]
From the Windlord's Eyrie - Warriors of the West [Sep 15, 2015]
Filling up the Corners: Patchwork [Sep 14, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: Silvan Strength [Sep 14, 2015]
September Hero of the Month: Legolas [Sep 03, 2015]
Secondhand Contest: Block Format Deck [Sep 03, 2015]
HOTM Deck: Mono Spirit Gandalf [Aug 26, 2015]
August Hero of the Month: Merry [Aug 06, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: Support of the Shepard [Jul 27, 2015]
Filling Up the Corners: Eight Minute Empire - Legends [Jul 26, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: Roar of the Earth [Jul 10, 2015]
Treebeard - A Hero of the Month Overview [Jul 08, 2015]
July Hero of the Month: Treebeard! [Jul 07, 2015]
Wastes of Eriador Unboxing - Encounter Cards [Jul 05, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: With the Favor of the Lady [Jul 05, 2015]
Wastes of Eriador Unboxing [Jul 03, 2015]
Filling Up the Corners: Dead of Winter [Jun 22, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: The People of the Forest [Jun 19, 2015]
June Hero of the Month: Galadriel? [Jun 09, 2015]
Filling up the Corners - San Juan [May 16, 2015]
May Hero of the Month - Galadriel [May 12, 2015]
Hero of the Month Deck: Warriors of Valor [Apr 30, 2015]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Joel Hustak [Apr 28, 2015]
Eleventy One Minutes... or Brandon talking about Boromir [Apr 25, 2015]
Filling up the Corners - Skull [Apr 16, 2015]
Boromir and Hobbits [Apr 14, 2015]
April Hero of the Month - Boromir [Apr 14, 2015]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Matt Stewart [Apr 06, 2015]
The Princes Are Coming! [Apr 01, 2015]
Filling Up the Corners - Tokaido [Mar 18, 2015]
Prince Imrahil - An in depth Analysis [Mar 16, 2015]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Ryan Barger [Mar 15, 2015]
Filling Up the Corners - D&D 5e [Mar 10, 2015]
The Prince That Was Promised - March Hero of the Month [Mar 08, 2015]
To Be A Ring Bearer [Feb 27, 2015]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Jake Murray [Feb 11, 2015]
Frodo Baggins - An In-Depth Analysis [Feb 09, 2015]
February's Hero of the Month! [Feb 03, 2015]
A Bear, A Dwarf, and A Man [Feb 02, 2015]
Art in the Lord of the Rings LCG: Sebastian Giacobino [Jan 26, 2015]
New Monthly Feature: Filling Up The Corners [Jan 25, 2015]
The Fair Maidens Three [Jan 21, 2015]
Of Bears and Blogs - Interview with Hall of Beorn [Jan 16, 2015]
Guardians of the West [Jan 14, 2015]
Inner Strength - Beorn and Hobbits [Jan 12, 2015]
Artwork in the Lord of the Rings: LCG - Lucas Graciano [Jan 08, 2015]
Beorn - An in Depth Analysis [Jan 07, 2015]
Hero of the Month: Beorn [Jan 04, 2015]
Sam and The Bear [Dec 30, 2014]
Second Chance for the Secondhand Took! [Dec 23, 2014]
Three's Company - Samwise Gamgee [Nov 11, 2014]
Art in the Lord of the Rings: LCG [Nov 07, 2014]
Samwise The Brave - An in-depth Analysis [Nov 06, 2014]
Hero of the Month - Samwise Gamgee [Nov 03, 2014]
An Idea of the Monthly Sort [Oct 29, 2014]
The Nin-en-Eilph is Out! [Oct 28, 2014]
More Spoilers! From Nin-in-Eilph - Celduin Traveller [Oct 21, 2014]
Spoiler - Nin-in-Eilph Hero [Oct 21, 2014]