Vision of the Palantir

The Road to Isengard [Sep 18, 2021]
News: In-Flight Report Sept 2021 [Sep 09, 2021]
Vision of the Palantir Loot 2021 [Sep 04, 2021]
The Massing at Osgiliath [Sep 01, 2021]
Month in Review: August 2021 [Aug 31, 2021]
Beleg's Storage [Aug 25, 2021]
Player card review: The Drúadan Forest [Aug 21, 2021]
Nightmare The Watcher in the Water [Aug 16, 2021]
Nightmare Road to Rivendell [Aug 12, 2021]
Nightmare A Storm on Cobas Haven [Aug 04, 2021]
Deckbuilding Across the Ettenmoors [Aug 01, 2021]
Month in Review: July 2021 [Jul 31, 2021]
Bi-monthly Poll: July 2021 [Jul 27, 2021]
Road to Rivendell: There and Back Again [Jul 20, 2021]
The City of Ulfast [Jul 15, 2021]
Encounter Set Review: The Hunt for Gollum [Jul 09, 2021]
The Redhorn Gate: There and Back Again [Jul 07, 2021]
Month in Review: June 2021 [Jun 30, 2021]
The Battle of Lake-town [Jun 26, 2021]
Epic Multiplayer Helm's Deep Rules [Jun 19, 2021]
Announcement: Epic Multiplayer Helm's Deep [Jun 16, 2021]
The LOTR: LCG Calendar [Jun 15, 2021]
Month in Review: May 2021 [May 31, 2021]
Player card review: The Steward's Fear [May 30, 2021]
Monthly Poll: May 2021 [May 28, 2021]
Challenge of the Wainriders [May 25, 2021]
Nightmare Flight from Moria [May 15, 2021]
Middle Earth Tour: Angmar Awakened [May 06, 2021]
Storage Solutions 4.5 [May 02, 2021]
Month in Review: April 2021 [Apr 30, 2021]
Monthly Poll: April 2021 [Apr 27, 2021]
Deckbuilding: Escape from Mount Gram [Apr 11, 2021]
Stage Solutions IV [Apr 01, 2021]
Month in Review 2021 [Mar 31, 2021]
Monthly Poll: March 2021 [Mar 29, 2021]
Player card review: Heirs of Númenor [Mar 28, 2021]
Deckbuilding: The Wastes of Eriador [Mar 23, 2021]
Nightmare The Seventh Level [Mar 21, 2021]
Middle Earth Tour: Ringmaker [Mar 19, 2021]
Community support and swag [Mar 04, 2021]
Middle Earth Tour: Against the Shadow [Mar 02, 2021]
Month in Review: February 2021 [Feb 28, 2021]
Monthly Poll: February 2021 [Feb 25, 2021]
Deckbuilding: The Fortress of Nurn [Feb 22, 2021]
Middle Earth Tour: Dwarrowdelf [Feb 18, 2021]
Under the Ash Mountains [Feb 13, 2021]
Middle Earth Tour: Shadows of Mirkwood [Feb 08, 2021]
The Middle Earth Tour Project [Feb 04, 2021]
Nightmare The Treachery of Rhudaur [Feb 02, 2021]
Month in Review: Janurary 2021 [Jan 31, 2021]
Monthly Poll: January 2021 [Jan 27, 2021]
Third year anniversary [Jan 21, 2021]
Nightmare Into the Pit [Jan 17, 2021]
Encounter Set Review: Escape from Dol Guldur [Jan 06, 2021]
The Ruins of Belegost [Jan 04, 2021]
2020: A year in numbers [Jan 02, 2021]
Month in Review: December 2020 [Dec 31, 2020]
Escape from Dol Guldur [Dec 27, 2020]
Monthly Poll: December 2020 [Dec 23, 2020]
Deckbuilding: Deadmen's Dike [Dec 21, 2020]
First Impressions: The Hunt for the Dreadnaught [Dec 20, 2020]
A Long-extended Party [Dec 08, 2020]
LOTR LCG: Art-icle [Dec 05, 2020]
Month in Review: November 2020 [Dec 01, 2020]
Journey Along the Anduin [Nov 29, 2020]
Monthly Poll: November 2020 [Nov 27, 2020]
Deckbuilding: The Weather Hills [Nov 25, 2020]
The Temple of Doom [Nov 19, 2020]
Storage Solutions: Marc Lommert [Nov 17, 2020]
LOTR LCG Challenges [Nov 08, 2020]
Three Player Quests [Nov 06, 2020]
Month in Review: October 2020 [Oct 31, 2020]
Monthly Poll: October 2020 [Oct 24, 2020]
Vision of the Poll-antir 3 [Oct 18, 2020]
Storage Solutions: Sam Beck [Oct 10, 2020]
Two Player Quests [Oct 08, 2020]
Storage Solutions: exeivot [Oct 06, 2020]
Vision of the Palantir Loot 2020 [Oct 04, 2020]
First Impressions: The Fortress of Nurn [Oct 02, 2020]
Danger in Dorwinion [Oct 01, 2020]
Month in Review: September 2020 [Sep 30, 2020]
Dwarrowdelf cycle conclusion [Sep 24, 2020]
Passage through Mirkwood [Sep 05, 2020]
Month in Review: August 2020 [Aug 31, 2020]
Encounter Set Review: Wilderlands [Aug 29, 2020]
Monthly Poll: August 2020 [Aug 26, 2020]
The Fate of Wilderland [Aug 24, 2020]
The River Running [Aug 22, 2020]
Nightmare The Dread Realm [Aug 17, 2020]
Player card review: Shadow and Flame [Aug 08, 2020]
First Impressions: The Land of Sorrow [Aug 06, 2020]
Month in Review: July 2020 [Jul 30, 2020]
Beneath the Sands [Jul 28, 2020]
Promo: Custom 3D printed tokens [Jul 26, 2020]
Monthly Poll: July 2020 [Jul 24, 2020]
Nightmare Across the Ettenmoors [Jul 22, 2020]
The Stone of Erech [Jul 17, 2020]
The Ghost of Framsburg [Jul 15, 2020]
Nightmare Conflict at the Carrock [Jul 11, 2020]
Month in Review: June 2020 [Jun 30, 2020]
Encounter Set Review: Sauron's Reach [Jun 28, 2020]
Monthly Poll: June 20202 [Jun 25, 2020]
Encounter Set Review: Journey Along the Anduin [Jun 17, 2020]
Deckbuilding: Intruders in Chetwood [Jun 03, 2020]
Month in Review: May 2020 [May 31, 2020]
Player Card Review: Foundations of Stone [May 29, 2020]
Staples: Recursion [May 27, 2020]
Monthly Poll: May 2020 [May 24, 2020]
Murder at the Prancing Pony [May 22, 2020]
Nightmare A Journey to Rhosgobel [May 20, 2020]
Staples: Mustering [May 12, 2020]
Fire in the Night [May 10, 2020]
Roam Across Rhovanion [May 04, 2020]
Month in Review: April 2020 [Apr 30, 2020]
Monthly Poll: April 2020 [Apr 25, 2020]
Flies and Spiders [Apr 18, 2020]
Encounter Set Review: Spiders of Mirkwood [Apr 14, 2020]
The Withered Heath [Apr 11, 2020]
Solo Player Quests [Apr 09, 2020]
First Impressions: Under the Ash Mountains [Apr 04, 2020]
Nightmare Escape from Dol Goldur [Apr 01, 2020]
Month in Review: March 2020 [Mar 30, 2020]
Monthly Poll: March 2020 [Mar 25, 2020]
Player card review: The Long Dark [Mar 21, 2020]
Nightmare Return to Mirkwood [Mar 11, 2020]
Encounter Set Review: Dol Guldur Orcs [Mar 03, 2020]
Month in Review: February 2020 [Feb 29, 2020]
Monthly Poll: February 2020 [Feb 26, 2020]
Messenger of the King [Feb 24, 2020]
The King's Quest [Feb 22, 2020]
First Impressions: The Challenge of the Wainriders [Feb 16, 2020]
Encounter Set Review: Passage Through Mirkwood [Feb 10, 2020]
Lost In Mirkwood [Feb 08, 2020]
Testing Quests (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Deck) [Feb 05, 2020]
Player card review: The Watcher in the Water [Feb 02, 2020]
Month in Review: January 2020 [Jan 31, 2020]
First Impressions: Wrath and Ruin [Jan 28, 2020]
Monthly Poll: January 2020 [Jan 26, 2020]
First Impressions: The City of Ulfast [Jan 23, 2020]
Second year Anniversary [Jan 21, 2020]
Nightmare The Dead Marshes [Jan 18, 2020]
Journey Up the Anduin [Jan 08, 2020]
Player card review: Road to Rivendell [Jan 04, 2020]
Monthly Poll: December 2019 [Jan 01, 2020]
Month in Review: December 2019 [Dec 31, 2019]
2019: A year in numbers [Dec 28, 2019]
Player card review: The Redhorn Gate [Dec 17, 2019]
Collectables in LOTR LCG [Dec 14, 2019]
Deckbuilding in the Ringmaker-cycle [Dec 10, 2019]
Score in LOTR LCG [Dec 08, 2019]
The Black Serpent [Dec 03, 2019]
Month in Review: November 2019 [Nov 30, 2019]
Deckbuilding: The Antlered Crown [Nov 28, 2019]
The Crossings of Poros [Nov 26, 2019]
Monthly Poll: November 2019 [Nov 21, 2019]
"Best" LOTR LCG packs to buy [Nov 15, 2019]
Deckbuilding: Celebrimbor's Secret [Nov 12, 2019]
The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat [Nov 10, 2019]
Player card review: Khazad-Dum [Nov 08, 2019]
Month in Review: October 2019 [Oct 31, 2019]
Monthly Poll: October 2019 [Oct 26, 2019]
Mono-Leadership [Oct 24, 2019]
Storage Solutions III [Oct 21, 2019]
Q&A: October 2019 [Oct 15, 2019]
Con of the Rings 2019: Experiences and memories [Oct 13, 2019]
Shadows of Mirkwood cycle conclusion [Oct 08, 2019]
Vision of the Palantir Loot 2019 [Oct 04, 2019]
Month in review: September 2019 [Sep 29, 2019]
Monthly Poll: September 2019 [Sep 25, 2019]
Deckbuilding: The Nîn-in-Eilph [Sep 24, 2019]
Raid on the Grey Havens [Sep 23, 2019]
Staples: Location control [Sep 14, 2019]
Deckbuilding: Trouble in Tharbad [Sep 10, 2019]
Escape from Umbar [Sep 08, 2019]
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim [Sep 04, 2019]
Project Heat Death [Sep 02, 2019]
Month in Review: August 2019 [Sep 01, 2019]
Monthly Poll: August 2019 [Aug 28, 2019]
Player card review: Return to Mirkwood [Aug 27, 2019]
Deckbuilding: The Three Trials [Aug 24, 2019]
Desert Crossing [Aug 17, 2019]
Flight from Moria: There and Back Again [Aug 15, 2019]
The Long Arm Of Mordor [Aug 13, 2019]
The Seventh Level: There and Back Again [Aug 08, 2019]
First Impressions: A Shadow in the East [Aug 06, 2019]
The Thing in the Depths [Aug 04, 2019]
Into the Pit: There and Back Again [Aug 01, 2019]
Month in Review: July 2019 [Jul 31, 2019]
Player card review: The Dead Marshes [Jul 29, 2019]
Deckbuilding: The Dunland Trap [Jul 27, 2019]
Monthly Poll: July 2019 [Jul 26, 2019]
Intro to the Khazad-Dum cycle: There and Back Again [Jul 25, 2019]
The City of Corsairs [Jul 23, 2019]
Storage Solutions: Kristian Priisholm [Jul 20, 2019]
Return to Mirkwood: There and Back Again [Jul 18, 2019]
Storage Solutions: Idrial [Jul 15, 2019]
Deckbuilding: Into Fangorn [Jul 13, 2019]
The Dead Marshes: There and Back Again [Jul 11, 2019]
A Storm on Cobas Haven [Jul 09, 2019]
First Impressions: The Fate of Wilderland [Jul 07, 2019]
The Hills of Emyn Muil: There and Back Again [Jul 04, 2019]
Deckbuilding: To Catch an Orc [Jul 02, 2019]
Month in Review: June 2019 [Jun 30, 2019]
Player card review: The Hills of Emyn Muil [Jun 28, 2019]
A Journey to Rhosgobel: There and Back Again [Jun 27, 2019]
Monthly Poll: June 2019 [Jun 25, 2019]
Conflict at the Carrock: There and Back Again [Jun 20, 2019]
Storage Solutions: Nemesis [Jun 15, 2019]
The Hunt for Gollum: There and Back Again [Jun 13, 2019]
Flight of the Stormcaller [Jun 08, 2019]
Escape from Dol Guldur: There and Back Again [Jun 06, 2019]
Levels of LOTR LCG players [Jun 02, 2019]
Month in review: May 2019 [May 31, 2019]
Journey Along the Anduin: There and Back Again [May 30, 2019]
Monthly Poll: May 2019 [May 28, 2019]
Player card review: A Journey to Rhosgobel [May 27, 2019]
Passage through Mirkwood: There and Back again [May 23, 2019]
Nightmare Journey Along the Anduin [May 18, 2019]
Intro to the Mirkwood cycle [May 16, 2019]
Storage solutions: Dave Walsh of Card Talk [May 14, 2019]
Deckbuilding: The Fords of Isen [May 12, 2019]
Story Mode: Rules [May 09, 2019]
Storage Solutions: Solanum [May 07, 2019]
Staples: Direct Damage [May 05, 2019]
Introduction to the There and Back Again series [May 02, 2019]
Storage Solutions: Catastrophic [May 01, 2019]
Month in review: April 2019 [Apr 30, 2019]
Monthly Poll: April 2019 [Apr 27, 2019]
Storage Solutions: Codus [Apr 25, 2019]
Player card review: Conflict at the Carrock [Apr 24, 2019]
Storage Solutions: McDog3 [Apr 21, 2019]
First Impressions: Mount Gundabad [Apr 19, 2019]
The Temple of the Deceived [Apr 10, 2019]
The Caves of Nibin-Dûm [Apr 03, 2019]
Month in Review: March 2019 [Mar 30, 2019]
Monthly Poll: March 2019 [Mar 28, 2019]
Player card review: Hunt for Gollum [Mar 26, 2019]
The Drowned Ruins [Mar 24, 2019]
Storage Solutions: Shellin [Mar 17, 2019]
Fog on the Barrow Downs [Mar 13, 2019]
The Fate of Númenor [Mar 07, 2019]
Month in Review: February 2019 [Mar 01, 2019]
Monthly Poll: February 2019 [Feb 25, 2019]
Multi-deck building [Feb 19, 2019]
Neutral (Core set) [Feb 16, 2019]
First Impressions: The Ghost of Framsburg [Feb 13, 2019]
Lore Sphere (Core set) [Feb 11, 2019]
Spirit Sphere (Core set) [Feb 01, 2019]
Month in review: January 2019 [Jan 31, 2019]
Monthly Poll: January 2019 [Jan 26, 2019]
The Battle of Carn Dûm [Jan 24, 2019]
Tactic Sphere (Core set) [Jan 22, 2019]
First Year Anniversary [Jan 19, 2019]
Leadership Sphere (Core set) [Jan 15, 2019]
Voyage Across Belegaer [Jan 12, 2019]
Nightmare The Hills of Emyn Muil [Jan 05, 2019]
Ships and Sailing tests [Jan 02, 2019]
Monthly Poll: December 2018 [Dec 31, 2018]
2018: A year in numbers [Dec 31, 2018]
Month in review: December 2018 [Dec 30, 2018]
Staples: Shadow card manipulation [Dec 28, 2018]
First Impressions: Fire in the Night [Dec 15, 2018]
Lure of Middle Earth Announcement [Dec 12, 2018]
Escape from Mount Gram [Dec 07, 2018]
Month in Review: November 2018 [Nov 30, 2018]
Monthly Poll: November 2018 [Nov 26, 2018]
Over the Misty Mountains Grim [Nov 22, 2018]
The Treachery of Rhudaur [Nov 18, 2018]
Q&A: November 2018 [Nov 14, 2018]
The Dread Realm [Nov 11, 2018]
Month in Review: October 2018 and Q&A announcement [Oct 30, 2018]
Across the Ettenmoors [Oct 27, 2018]
Monthly Poll: October 2018 [Oct 24, 2018]
The Wastes of Eriador [Oct 22, 2018]
First Impressions: Roam Across Rhovanion [Oct 20, 2018]
Con of the Rings 2018: Experiences and memories [Oct 17, 2018]
Vision of the Palantir Swag 2018 [Oct 13, 2018]
Staples: Healing [Oct 12, 2018]
Month in Review: September 2018 [Sep 30, 2018]
Monthly Poll: September 2018 [Sep 27, 2018]
Nightmare Hunt for Gollum [Sep 25, 2018]
Storage Solutions II [Sep 22, 2018]
The Weather Hills [Sep 20, 2018]
New Player Quests [Sep 07, 2018]
Staples: Scrying (Player deck) [Sep 05, 2018]
Breaking of the Fellowship [Sep 03, 2018]
Month in Review: August 2018 [Aug 29, 2018]
Monthly Poll: August 2018 [Aug 26, 2018]
Intruders in Chetwood [Aug 25, 2018]
Nightmare Passage through Mirkwood [Aug 18, 2018]
First Impressions: The Withered Heath [Aug 12, 2018]
The Nîn-in-Eilph [Aug 09, 2018]
Is Nightmare Mode worth the Nightmares? [Aug 03, 2018]
The Three Trials [Aug 02, 2018]
Month in Review: July 2018 [Jul 31, 2018]
Monthly Poll: July 2018 [Jul 27, 2018]
The Antlered Crown [Jul 23, 2018]
Staples: Readying [Jul 20, 2018]
Journey in the Dark [Jul 18, 2018]
LOTR LCG: Urban Dictionary [Jul 14, 2018]
Victory Display [Jul 11, 2018]
Race Across Harad [Jul 09, 2018]
Player Side Quests [Jul 08, 2018]
The Dunland Trap [Jul 03, 2018]
Month in Review: June 2018 [Jun 30, 2018]
Celebrimbor's Secret [Jun 30, 2018]
Monthly Poll: June 2018 [Jun 29, 2018]
A Beginners Guide to The Haradrim Cycle [Jun 26, 2018]
The Ring Goes South [Jun 24, 2018]
First Impressions: Wilds of Rhovanion, Quests [Jun 23, 2018]
First Impressions: Wilds of Rhovanion [Jun 14, 2018]
Flight to the Ford [Jun 13, 2018]
Con of the Rings Announcement [Jun 07, 2018]
Trouble in Tharbad [Jun 05, 2018]
Staples: Condition Removal [Jun 02, 2018]
Month in Review: May 2018 [May 31, 2018]
A Knife in the Dark [May 30, 2018]
Monthly Poll: May 2018 [May 28, 2018]
A Shadow of the Past [May 23, 2018]
Staples: Scrying (Encounter Deck) [May 21, 2018]
Staples: Threat Reduction [May 20, 2018]
To Catch an Orc [May 15, 2018]
The Blood of Gondor [May 13, 2018]
Fan-made content: Game modes and quests [May 11, 2018]
The Morgul Vale [May 07, 2018]
The Fords of Isen [May 03, 2018]
Poll-antir Results [Apr 29, 2018]
Month in Review: April 2018 [Apr 29, 2018]
The Drúadan Forest [Apr 25, 2018]
Assault on Osgiliath [Apr 20, 2018]
LOTR LCG: The Collection [Apr 13, 2018]
Encounter at Amon Dîn [Apr 11, 2018]
Vision of the Poll-antir [Apr 10, 2018]
Blogroll and community resources [Apr 08, 2018]
Staples: Card Draw [Apr 07, 2018]
The Steward's Fear [Apr 06, 2018]
Month in review: March 2018 [Mar 28, 2018]
We Must Away, Ere Break of Day [Mar 25, 2018]
The Siege of Cair Andros [Mar 24, 2018]
Staples: Resource Acceleration [Mar 23, 2018]
Peril in Pelargir [Mar 13, 2018]
Shadow and Flame [Mar 10, 2018]
Storage Solutions [Mar 09, 2018]
Q&A: March 2018 [Mar 09, 2018]
Foundations of Stone [Mar 04, 2018]
The Watcher in the Water [Mar 02, 2018]
Month in review and Q&A announcement [Feb 25, 2018]
Road to Rivendell [Feb 24, 2018]
The Redhorn Gate [Feb 18, 2018]
Flight from Moria [Feb 16, 2018]
The Seventh Level [Feb 10, 2018]
Return to Mirkwood [Feb 04, 2018]
The Dead Marshes [Feb 02, 2018]
A Journey to Rhosgobel [Jan 31, 2018]
The Hills of Emyn Muil [Jan 28, 2018]
Conflict at the Carrock [Jan 25, 2018]
The Hunt for Gollum [Jan 24, 2018]
Escape from Dol Guldur [Jan 21, 2018]