Crossing the Fords
Blood in the Isen #207 (x1)

1A-B (0)

The traitor Ealdwulf has manipulated a host of Dunlendings and traitorous Rohirrim in a bid for the throne of Rohan. His armies have massed on the banks of the Isen where the Dunlendings prepare to ford.

Setup: Set Ealdwulf aside, out of play. Add the Fords objective to the staging area, Narrow Crossing side faceup. The first player adds Grimrede and West Bank to the staging area. Each other player searches the encounter deck for a different enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Ealdwulf must be stopped. Now is the time to cross the river and put an end to this foolhardy campaign, lest Rohan be drowned in blood.

Grimrede cannot be optionally engaged or take damage.

This stage cannot be defeated while West Bank is in play.