In the distance, you see a ship like no other: dozens of ominous black sails tower above the churning sea and prow of a fearsome serpent's head slices through the waves at an alarming speed. The rumors are true. You are awestruck at the extraordinary size and imtimidating presence of the Dreadnaught. You resolve to sink the menacing behemoth at all costs.
When Revealed: Add the set-aside Dreadnaught enemy to the staging area, Elite side faceup.
No more than 5 progress per player can be placed on this stage each round.
Action: Remove 5 progress per player from this stage to choose any group to shuffle 1 set aside Gondorian Warship card into their encounter deck.
Response: When the Dreadnaught attacks you, raise your threat by 4 to cancel the attack.
When the Dreadnaught is destroyed, the players win the game.