You are playing campaign mode.
Setup: Set aside any permanent boon attachments on heroes that are added to a player's captured deck. Add the Loot the Dungeons side querst to the staging area, capturing the bottom 5 cards of each player's captured deck underneath it. Flip this card over.
"There are many more of our company imprisoned here. Find them and make your way to the southern gate. I will try to find Iârion, and meet you there."
Forced: Instead of raising their threat by 1 during the refresh phase, each player raises their threat by the number of completed quest cards plus the number of side quests in the victory display.
Forced: After a hero enters play, attach to that hero each set-aside permanent boon attachment assigned to that character in the Campaign Log.
Resolution: Each player must make note of which unique cards are still in their captured deck and not in play at the end of the game. Those cards cannot be included in that player's deck for the rest of the campaign.
"Thaurdir is aware of our escape. Our fortunes have turned. Now we are the ones being pursued."