Journey in the Dark Nightmare
Journey in the Dark Nightmare #1 (x1)

Przygotowanie (tryb Koszmarny)

You are playing Nightmare mode.

Each hero in each player's discard pile cannot leave the discard pile.

The players cannot defeat stage 3B unless The Balrog is in the victory display.

"And I say to you: if you pass the doors of Moria, beware!" –Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Begin with the standard and encounter deck for The Journey in the Dark scenario.

Remove the following cards, in the specified quantities, from the standard encounter deck:

3x Moria Archer

4x Mines of Moria

1x We Cannot Get Out

3x Deep Fissure

Then, shuffle the encounter cards in this Nightmare Deck into the remainder of the standard Joruney in the Dark encounter deck.

Finally, flip this setup card over and place it next to the quest deck. Its effect remains active throughout the game, which is now ready to begin.