Setup: Create the Wolf deck (see rules). Each player takes control of a random Chicken objective. Set the other Chicken objectives, Packleader, Woody End, and Sunset aside, out of play. Add Morning to the staging area and choose when to leave:
After Breakfast: Deal 1 damage to each hero and exhaust 1 hero each player controls.
After Second Breakfast: Flip Morning to Midday.
After Luncheon: Each player may trade their Chicken objective for another (either in play or set aside) and put a card in their hand into play. Flip Morning to Midday and place 1 resource token on it.
It is a beautiful day as you make your way to Woodhall. You aim to get there as quickly as possible, hopefully before nightfall.
When Revealed: Each player discards cards from the encounter deck until a location is discarded and adds it to the staging area.
If Night is in play, or if a Chicken objective leaves play, the players lose the game.