Journey to the Cross-roads Nightmare
Journey to the Cross-roads Nightmare #1 (x1)

Przygotowanie (tryb Koszmarny)

You are playing Nightmare mode.

Setup: Place 1 Southron Warrior per player facedown under The Cross-roads, then shuffle the facedown cards under The Cross-roads. Set any remaining Southron Warriors aside, out of play.

"Great strength of them was reported to us some days ago, marching north. One of their regiments is due by our reckoning to pass by, some time ere noon..."
–Mablung, The Two Towers

Begin with the standard quest deck and encounter deck for The Journey to the Cross-roads scenario.

Remove the following cards, in the specified quantities, from the standard encounter deck:

1x Captain of Harad

1x Henneth Annun

2x Southward Road

4x Hills of Ithilien

3x The Dark Lord's Summons

Then, shuffle the encounter cards in this Nightmare Deck into the remainder of the standard the Journey to the Cross-roads encounter deck.

Finally, flip this setup card over and place it next to the quest deck. Its effect remains active throughout the game, which is now ready to begin.