As you near the edge of Woody End, a few hobbits flag you down. “Please help us,” they beg. “Some woodcutters went missing last night, and we–re forming search parties to find them. We could use all the help we can get!” You glance at the sun above; you have some time to assist.
When Revealed: Add Woody End to the staging area. If there are 3 or more players in the game, search the encounter deck or discard pile for a copy of Watchful Wood and reveal it. If Sunset is in play, reveal 1 cards from the Wolf deck.
You begin searching the woods for the missing hobbits. You think you may have found a trail of footprints, but there are other tracks nearby… wolf tracks.
If a Chicken objective leaves play, the players lose the game.
The players cannot advance while Woody End is in play.