The Brandywine River
The Legacy of Fëanor #7 (x1)

2A-B (30)

Dragaz has you cornered in the village of Deephallow. In a desperate attempt to find safety, you board a small raft stashed on the riverbank and paddle towards freedom.

When Revealed: Prepare the Brandywine quest deck and the Unstable deck (see insert). Set Overbourn Waterfront and Sarn Ford aside, out of play. Add the Branduin objective and the Balance objective (Balanced side faceup) to the staging area. Make Deephallow the active location. Shuffle the encounter deck and reveal 1 encounter dare per player.


All unique River locations are immune to player card effects.

When Sarn Ford is in the victory display and The Brandywine River has at least 30 progress, advance to stage 3.