Your company has made its way swiftly north, and finally the fortress of Carn D没m looms before you. Unsure if you have arrived in time, you can only hope beyond hope that I芒rion is still alive.
Setup: Add Thaurdir to the staging area, Captain side faceup. Add 1 copy of Carn D没m Garrison per player to the staging area. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Accursed Battlefield and make it the active location. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Thaurdir has mustered the defense of Carn D没m. There is no turning back now. "For I芒rion!" the Rangers begin to shout, unsheathing their swords.
Thaurdir cannot leave the staging area and cannot take damage. At the end of the round, if Thaurdir is Champion side faceup, flip him.
Do not discard unresolved shadow cards at the end of the combat phase.
Forced: If there are 3 shadow cards dealt to Thaurdir, flip him.