The Final Plot
Strange News in Bree #36 (x1)

3A-B (-)

You push through a large frightened crowd that has gathered in the town square. Several men in purple hooded cloaks stand at the center, leading another man bound in chains. Orc-eyes, his blade drawn, shouts at the gathered masses. “We told you not to meddle in our holy affairs. See now what happens to those who oppose us!”

When Revealed: If the people of Bree control the town, remove all progress from Control the Town. Add Tribute to Gaur to the staging area.

Orc-eyes is considered to be engaged with each player.

Forced: At the end of the round, each player who is not engaged with at least 1 non-unique enemy must discard cards from the encounter deck until a Wolf-cult enemy is discarded and puts that enemy into play engaged with them.

If the people of Bree control the town, the players have won the game.