The Flight of Ealdwulf
Blood in the Isen #209 (x1)

3A-B (12)

As the tide of battle turns, the traitor Ealdwulf wheels in retreat. The warlord rushes toward the wilderness, leaving his men to fight and die for their master’s hopeless crusade.

When Revealed: End the current phase. The first player adds Ealdwulf to the staging area. Each other player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a copy of Rohan Renegade and engages it, if able. Shuffle the encounter deck. Flip Narrow Crossing over, keeping any resource tokens on it.

The traitor’s horse is fleet of foot, and battle spills across both banks of the river. Ealdwulf must be captured and brought before King Thengel to face justice.

Ealdwulf cannot be optionally engaged while this stage has any quest points remaining.

Forced: After a player reduces their threat by any amount, that player must distribute an equal amount of damage among characters they control.

This stage cannot be defeated while Ealdwulf is in play. When Ealdwulf is defeated, the players have thwarted the traitor’s plot and win the game.