Unexpected Support
The Legacy of Fëanor #4 (x1)

4A-B (40)

While fleeing along the shore of the Shirebourn River, you accidentally run into an old friend; Robin Smallburrow, Shirrif of the Shire.

When Revealed: The first player takes control of Robin Smallburrow. Search the encounter deck and discard pile (and if necessary, the staging area) for a copy of Shirebourn Shore and make it the active location, discarding any active location. Then, if Falaїn is in play, either deal 1 damage to him, or remove 1 time encounter from him.

When Revealed: Add Dragaz to the staging area.

Time 4.

If Unexpected Support has at least 40 progress on it, advance to stage 5.

After the last time counter is removed from this stage, if Unexpected Support has at least 10 progress, advance to stage 5. If not, the players lose the game.