Welcome to the Jungle
The Mûmakil #26 (x1)

1A-B (12)

After seeing his village destroyed by Sauron's Orcs, Kahliel has decided to travel north with you to Gondor. But it is a long road, and you will need mounts to ride. So your Haradrim allies have led you into the great jungle of Harad in search of the might Mumakil.

Setup: Set each copy of Wild Mûmak and each Capture objective aside, out of play. Each player adds 1 different location to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

The jungle is full of danger. The Haradrim warn you to stay alert lest the hunters become the hunted.

Forced: After the active location leaves play as an explored location, shuffle 1 set aside Wild Mûmak into the encounter deck.

The players cannot advance unless the number of Wild Mûmak in play is equal to the number of players.