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The Battle of Lake-town GenCon 2012

GenCon Expansion MEC35 16 October 2012
Card List
Smaug the Mighty(Enemy)3 Smaug the Terrible(Enemy)3 Smaug the Magnificent(Enemy)3 Lake-town(Objective)1 The Old Thrush(Objective)1 Close to the Flame(Treachery)3 Scorching Blast(Treachery)3 Town-Baiting(Treachery)3 Dire Magnificence(Treachery)3 Catching Fire(Treachery)2 Reckless in His Rage(Treachery)2 West Pier(Location)1 The Master's Manor(Location)1 South Pier(Location)1 North Pier(Location)1 Merchant's District(Location)4 East Pier(Location)1 Great House(Location)1 Great Bridge(Location)1 Fisherman's Dock(Location)4 Esgaroth Wharf(Location)4
Encounter Cards46
Terror from the Mountain(Quest)1 Fire and Water(Quest)1 The Dragon's Wrath(Quest)1
Quest Cards3
The Battle of Lake-town