While the Wold is the active location, it gains:"Response: After The Wold is explored, each player draws 1 card."
Travel: Increase the pursuit value by 1.
Ahead and eastward they saw the windy uplands of the Wold of Rohan that they had already glimpsed many days ago from the Great River. –The Two Towers
While Eastemnet is the active location, it gains:"Response: After Eastemnet is explored, add 1 resource to each hero's resource pool."
Travel: Increase the pursuit value by 1.
...the Horse–lords had formerly kept many herds and studs in the Eastemnet, this easterly region of their realm... –The Two Towers
X is the number of locations in the staging area.
Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, increase the pursuit value by 1.
...the green plains of the Rohirrim stretched away before them to the edge of sight. –The Two Towers
Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Banks of Entwash, increase the pursuit value by 1.
Shadow: Either increase the pursuit value by 1, or this attack is considered undefended.
"...north–west to the issuing of the Entwash there lies still a wide land." –Aragorn, The Two Towers
While the Wold is the active location, it gains:"Response: After The Wold is explored, each player draws 1 card."
Travel: Increase the pursuit value by 1.
Ahead and eastward they saw the windy uplands of the Wold of Rohan that they had already glimpsed many days ago from the Great River. –The Two Towers
While Eastemnet is the active location, it gains:"Response: After Eastemnet is explored, add 1 resource to each hero's resource pool."
Travel: Increase the pursuit value by 1.
...the Horse–lords had formerly kept many herds and studs in the Eastemnet, this easterly region of their realm... –The Two Towers
X is the number of locations in the staging area.
Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, increase the pursuit value by 1.
...the green plains of the Rohirrim stretched away before them to the edge of sight. –The Two Towers
Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Banks of Entwash, increase the pursuit value by 1.
Shadow: Either increase the pursuit value by 1, or this attack is considered undefended.
"...north–west to the issuing of the Entwash there lies still a wide land." –Aragorn, The Two Towers