You are playing campaign mode.
Setup: Attach Iârion's Pendant to Iârion and add the Protect the Innocent side quest to the staging area. Starting with the first player, each player may place 4 damage on Protect the Innocent to add 1 resource to each of their heroes' resource pools.
"Orcs have been discovered west of the Weather Hills in greater number than we have seen them in many years. They are spying out the land, and we believe they plan to attack."
Resolution: Note the amount of damage on Protect the Innocent in the Campaign Log and add Protect the Innocent to the Campaign Pool.
"I'm afraid our work is not yet finished, my friends," said Iârion, gazing into the distance. "There is to be a gathering of the Dúnedain at Fornost in a few days to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox. I must go thither with news of this attack for I fear it is but a prelude of things to come, and the Rangers must be ready for what follows. However, we cannot allow those Orcs that fled to escape, or they may return again in even greater numbers. Since I must go to Fornost, I ask you: will you track them in my stead?"
From the strained look in his eyes, the heroes could see how hard it was for the honorable ranged to burden them with this dangerous task, so they made him an oath that none of the Orcs who had ventured so close to Bree would live to return again.
"Well said," replied Iârion. Then, he raised his sword in salute and spoke, "May the spirit of Oromë guide you on your hunt!"