Oaths of the Rohirrim
Mustering of the Rohirrim #179 (x1)

1A-B (6)

The traitor Ealdwulf is raising an army to usurp the throne of Thengel-King.

Setup: Shuffle the 5 cards with the Massing trait together into a Massing deck. Search the encounter deck for Írensaga, Orc-host Remnant, each Assassin enemy, and each Mustering side quest and set them aside, out of play. The first player adds Massing at the Isen to the staging area and makes Deeping-stream the active location. Each player searches the encounter deck for a different Traitor enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

If you hope to meet Ealdwulf’s challenge, you must spend the coming months rallying the scattered hosts of Rohan. His long-planned conspiracy gives him a head start, but your swift horses may yet carry you across many leagues to bring warning to those lords who remain loyal to Thengel’s banner.

When Revealed: Each player must choose: either place 1 damage token on Massing at the Isen, or reveal an encounter card.