You are playing Campaign Mode.
Setup: Attach Black Key (boon) to Captain Sahír. Shuffle Revenant into the encounter deck. Shuffle Starla and both Recurring Nightmares together and place one facedown under each Temple of the Deceived location, as secrets. For each character in play, its controller may deal 1 damage to it to reduce their threat by 1. One player may raise their threat by 4 to attach Spyglass to a hero.
Travel Action: Flip over a secret at your location. If it is a Recurring Nightmare, it engages you. If it is Starla, you gain control of her (ready).
A member of your party has disappeared. Can you find her?
Resolution: If Starla is under a player's control, add her to the Campaign Pool. For each Recurring Nightmare that is not a secret, add it to the Campaign Pool and choose a player. For the remainder of the campaign, that player shuffles that Recurring Nightmare into their deck after they draw their starting hand.
Gain the following:
• 1 XP for each surviving player.
• 1 XP for each resource on this card (to a maximum of 3 XP).
• 1 XP for each faceup Temple Halls.
• 1 XP if 4 or fewer Uncharted locations are faceup.
• 1 XP if Temple Guardian is in the victory display.
• 1 XP if each surviving player's threat is 40 or less.
• -1 XP if Ominous Fate is in the victory display.