Five years have passed since you came to Nargothrond. In that time, small victories against the forces of Morgoth have been won. However, as the year turns to autumn, reports of a great host reach your ears.
Morgoth has finally loosed the army he has long prepared. At the head of this army is Glaurung, the Father of Dragons. The warriors of Nargothrond are valiant, but they are vastly outnumbered. The proud Elven host begins to fall back upon the field of Tumhalad. Even worse, Glaurung is a fearsome force of death, beyond terror and beyond comprehension. None can withstand his approach. You must defend the Doors of Felagund to buy time for the innocent to escape.
When Revealed: The first player adds Glaurung The Hopes of Nargothrond and The Ruin of Nargothrond to the staging area. Each other player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a copy of Great Host and adds it to the staging area.
when resolving the raid keyword, divide the enemy's in half (rounding up).
Forced: At the end of the round, add 1 damage to this stage (add 2 damage instead if there are more non-unique enemies in play than the number of players). If the number of damage tokens is equal to or greater than 5, advance to stage 4A.
Forced: At the end of the round, if there are fewer non-unique enemies in play than the number of players, search the encounter deck and discard pile for 1 enemy and add it to the staging area, if able.