You are playing Campaign Mode.
Setup: Attach Black Key (boon) to Captain Sahír. Shuffle Revenant into the encounter deck. Each player may choose one copy of Command and add it to their hand. For this game, X is plus 1 for each of those copies.
One player may choose one copy of Círdan's Blessing and add it to their hand. For each character in play, its controller may deal 1 damage to it to reduce their threat by 1.
Resolution: Add each copy of Command and Círdan's Blessing chosen during setup to the Campaign Pool.
Gain the following:
• 1 XP for each surviving player.
• 1 XP for each resource on this card (to a maximum of 3 XP).
• 1 XP if Na'asiyah has 5 or more resources.
• 1 XP if no enemies are in play.
• 1 XP if 5 or more Underwater locations are in the victory display.
• 2 XP if Shrine to Morgoth (Grotto side) is in the victory display.
• 1 XP if each surviving player's threat is 40 or less.
• -1 XP if Ominous Fate is in the victory display.
"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him!" one of the heroes exclaims. "That fleabag is rotten to the core!"
"Don't worry," another replies. "We're not through with him. Captain Sahír's fate is entwined with our destiny."