The Fate of Númenor
Dream-chaser Part 2
Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion #179 (x1)


You are playing Campaign Mode.

Setup: Attach Spyglass to Calphon. Shuffle Revenant into the encounter deck. For each character in play, its controller may deal 1 damage to it to reduce their threat by 1.

"Can it be? Are we standing on the fabled island of lost Númenor?" asked Calphon, excitedly. He raised his spyglass and peered through it. "Long have I yearned to stand on such revered land. What a sight to behold!"

Resolution: Gain the following:

• 1 XP for each surviving player.

• 1 XP for each Lush Jungle and Drowned Graves in the victory display.

• 1 XP for each resource on this card (to a maximum of 3 XP).

• 1 XP if each surviving player's threat is 40 or less.

• -1 XP if Ominous Fate is in the victory display.

Calphon gazed at the black key, deep in thought. "An ancient relic of Númenor," he whispered, "but what is its purpose?" The perilous journey ended with a profound discovery, and he sensed an even more dangerous adventure lie ahead.