The Fate of Wilderland
Ered Mithrin Part 9
Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion #195 (x1)


You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: Each player may search their deck for a boon or treasure card and add it to their hand. If “Turayn has taken an oath of vigilance,” search the encounter deck for 3 non-unique enemies and remove them from the game. If “Beldis’s care has bolstered the heroes’ spirits,” search the encounter deck for 3 treacheries and remove them from the game.

Ignore the deep and discover keywords.

“Har, har! I told you lads! Just like I promised: Dagnir is dead and Gundabad is ours!” –Urdug

Resolution: The players win the campaign!

King Brand stood and greeted the heroes, “Well met once again, my friends. All Wilderland sings of your deeds. Honored shall you ever be among my people. Come, sit at my table and enjoy the celebration.”

The heroes bowed, and one spoke, “Thank you, my lord. You give us great honor, but there is one thing that remains unsettled in Rhovanion.”

“Yes, indded,” said Brand, “Your friends, the Haradrim.”

He lifted his cup and spoke, “I swear to you, but this time next year they will be safely settled within my realm as honored friends.”

The heroes enjoyed the greatest meal of their lives, sweetened with the success of their quest. They regaled the king's court with the details of their journey: the Withered Heath, the cold-drake, Urdug, Dagnir's attack on Hrogar's Hill, the ghost of Fram, Wormsbane, the Dragon's death, and the battle of Mount Gundabad.

“My friends,” said King Brand, “You have journeyed far and done much. Wilderland is in your debt. These deeds of yours will live forever in the songs of Dale.”