Mount Gundabad rises before you, and the Dragon, Dagnir, waits within.
Setup: Add Dagnir to the staging area and set The First Forge aside, out of play. Create the Caves deck and the quest deck (see insert). Attach Wormsbane to a hero, Broken side face-up. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X locations have been discarded, where X is 1 less than the number of players in the game. Add those locations to the staging area.
It doesn't take you long to discover Urdug's secret entrance, and with a turn from Durin's Key the way into Mount Gundabad lies open before you. You must find Durin's Forge, repair Wormsbane, and use it to kill Dagnir.
Forced: At the end of the planning phase, the first player looks at the top 2 cards of the quest deck and chooses 1 to place on the bottom of the quest deck. Then, add The Side Door to the victory display and advance to the top stage 2A of the quest deck.