You are playing campaign mode.
The company exchanged anxious glances. "If Amarthiúl is right and the Wraith was after Iârion in particular; these ruins might hold the answer to this mystery."
Resolution: For each Clue a player controls, that player may add the book with the same name to the Campaign Pool and their deck.
"Look!" the hero holding the tome shouted, pointing to the tree. "I recognize this name: Daechanar. That is the same name as the one who commands Thaurdir – the 'lord of Angmar' mentioned in the Goblin dungeons!"
One of the companions shook her head, pondering what they had learned. "It cannot be the same person. It's been over a century. The Dúnedain are long–lived, but they are not immortal. The Daechanar in this family tree should be long dead by now..."
"We should continue to Rivendell," one of the heroes declared at last. "Even Thaurdir cannot pursue us there, and we can consult Elrond about these matters. If there is anyone who will understand what we are dealing with, it is he."