Immune to player card effects.
Travel: Each player must spend 1 resource from one of his heroes’ resource pools to travel here.

Shadow: Defending player discards all resources in his heroes' resource pools.

When Revealed: Place the top card of the underworld deck facedown underneath the active location, if able.

Each location in the staging area gets +2 quest points.
"Were it buried beneath the roots of Mindolluin, still it would burn your mind away..." –Gandalf, The Return of the King

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if undefended.)
Great stores of goods and food, and beer, were found that had been hidden away... –The Return of the King

Forced: After Houses of the Dead becomes the active location, exhaust all characters.
"The houses of the dead are no places for the living." –Gandalf, The Return of the King

X is the number of players in the game.
Response: When The Fourth Star leaves play as an explored location, each player may draw 1 card.

Forced: At the end of the round, place 1 resource token on Traitors' Den. Then, if it has 4 or more resource tokens on it, remove all tokens from it and reveal at random one of the Plot cards removed from the game during setup. Add that card to the staging area.

While Rath Celerdain is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, reveal the top card of the underworld deck. If it is an objective, discard it."
"...go down to the lowest circle and ask for the Old Guesthouse in the Rath Celerdain, the Lampwrights' Street." –Beregond, The Return of the King

Travel: Reveal all facedown cards underneath Arched Tunnel, one at a time. Then, place the top card of the underworld deck facedown underneath Arched Tunnel, if able.
And each time that it passed the line of the Great Gate it went through an arched tunnel... –The Return of the King