Cannot have attachments.
Forced: After a treachery card with the Sorcery trait is revealed from the encounter deck, Thaurdir makes an immediate attack against the first player.
Indestructible. Cannot have attachments.
Forced: After a treachery card with the Sorcery trait is revealed from the encounter deck, Thaurdir heals 3 damage and makes an immediate attack against the first player.
Indestructible. Cannot have attachments.
Each other enemy gets +10 engagement cost.
Forced: After Thaurdir is flipped or a treachery with the Sorcery trait is revealed, deal 1 shadow card to each enemy in play.
Indestructible. Cannot have attachments.
Each other enemy gets -10 engagement cost.
Forced: After Thaurdir is flipped or a treachery with the Sorcery trait is revealed, Thaurdir heals 3 damage and makes an immediate attack against the first player.