Forced: At the end of the round, place 1 resource token on Up in Flames and discard the top X cards of each player's deck. X is the number of resource tokens on Up in Flames.
If any player has no cards in his deck, the players have lost the game.
At the end of each round, raise each player's threat by 2.
"... whispering was in your ears, poisoning your thought..." –Gandalf, The Two Towers
Rise to Power contributes X to the staging area during the quest phase, where X is the number of resources on it.
Forced: At the end of the round, place 2 resources on Rise to Power.
When Revealed: Attach Assassination to the hero with the highest threat cost. (Counts as a Plot attachment with the text: "Each enemy gets +1 Attached hero cannot be healed. Damage from undefended attacks and A Knife in the Back must be assigned to attached hero. If attached hero leaves play, the players lose the game.")