No attachments can be played on Nazg没l of Dol Guldur.
Forced: When the prisoner is 'rescued', move Nazg没l of Dol Guldur into the staging area.
Forced: After a shadow effect dealt to Nazg没l of Dol Guldur resolves, the engaged player must choose and discard 1 character he controls.

Shadow: Choose and discard 1 attachment you control. Discarded objective cards are returned to the staging area. (If this attack is undefended, discard all attachments you control.)

When Revealed: Until the end of the phase, raise the total in the staging area by X, where X is the number of players in the game.

Shadow: Defending player raises his threat by the number of enemies with which he is engaged.

When Revealed: Attach Iron Shackles to the top of the first player's deck. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:
The next time a player would draw 1 or more cards from attached deck, discard Iron Shackles instead.

Shadow: Resolve the 'When Revealed' effect of Iron Shackles.

Forced: After travelling to Tower Gate each player places the top card of his deck, face down in front of him, as if it just engaged him from the staging area. These cards are called 'Orc Guard', and act as enemies with: 1 hit point, 1 and 1
"I myself dared to pass the doors of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur, and secretly explored his ways."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Raise your threat by 2 to claim this objective when it is free of encounters. When claimed, attach Gandalf's Map to a hero you control. (Counts as an attachment. If detached, return Gandalf's Map to the staging area.)
Attached hero cannot attack or defend.

Action: Raise your threat by 2 to claim this objective when it is free of encounters. When claimed, attach Dungeon Torch to a hero you control. (Counts as an attachment. If detached, return Dungeon Torch to the staging area.)
Forced: At the end of each round, raise attached hero's controller's threat by 2.

Action: Raise your threat by 2 to claim this objective when it is free of encounters. When claimed, attach Shadow Key to a hero you control. (Counts as an attachment. If detached, return Shadow Key to the staging area.)
Forced: At the end of each round, attached hero suffers 1 damage.

The Lady Galadriel of L贸rien has asked you to investigate the area in the vicinity of Dol Guldar. While doing so, one of your allies was ambushed by Orcs, captured, and is now held in a dungeon cell...
Setup: Search the encounter deck for the 3 objective cards, reveal and place them in the staging area. Also, place the Nazg没l of Dol Guldur face up but out of play, alongside the quest deck. Then, shuffle the encounter deck, and attach 1 encounter to each objective card.
When Revealed: Randomly select 1 hero card (among all the heroes controlled by the players) and turn it facedown. The hero is now considered a "prisoner", cannot be used, cannot be damaged, and does not collect resources, until it is "rescued" (as instructed by card effects) later in this quest.
The players, as a group, cannot play more than 1 ally card each round.
Players cannot advance to the next stage of this quest unless they have at least 1 objective card.

Finding a hidden entrance to the dungeons of Dol Guldur at last, you attempt to make your way through the caverns beneath the hill, searching for your imprisoned friend. The denizens of this labyrinth stand in your way, while the jailors protect the prisoner.
Response: After placing any number of progress tokens on this card, flip the "prisoner" hero card face-up, and place 1 damage toke on it. The hero has been "rescued" and may now be used by its controller.
The players, as a group, cannot play more than 1 ally card each round.
Players cannot advance to the next stage of the quest unless they have rescued the prisoner and have all 3 "Escape from Dol Guldur" objective cards.

Following a thread of sunlight, you discover a cavern opening leading out through the side of the hill. Stationed outside the cave–mouth, however, is a large group of Orcs.
Forced: At the beginning of each quest phase, each player places the top card of his deck, face down in front of him as if it just engaged him from the staging area. These cards are called "Orc Guard" and act as enemies with: 1 hit point, 1 and 1
Players cannot defeat this stage while Nazg没l of Dol Guldur is in play. If this stage is defeated and Nazg没l of Dol Guldur is not in play, the players have won the game.