Celeborn has bid you to visit her father in Rivendell. Your journey takes you though the Redhorn Gate...
Setup: Add Caradhras to the staging area. Remove all copies of Snowstorm from the encounter deck and set them aside, out of play. Put Arwen Und贸miel into play under the control of the first player.
When Revealed: Reveal 1 card from the encounter deck per player, and add it to the staging area.
Progress slows as you meet the fury of the mountains. Sudden snows fall heavy around you, and a bitter wind howls down from the peaks. You uncover a shallow depression in the snow, filled with frozen remains. Some of them bear strange markings, as if they had been burned with flame. How many other doomed souls lie beneath the quickly rising drifts?
When Revealed: Shuffle 1 more copy of Snowstorm into the encounter deck than the number of players in the game.
Forced: After placing the 11th pprocess token on Snowdrifts, discard any action location. Ccaradhras becomes the active location.
The mountain peaks are almost in reach, but the swirling snows make it difficult to see, and your strength begins to drain away with the daunting final push to the pinnacle.
When Revealed: Shuffle all copies of Snowstorm in the encounter discard pile back into the encounter deck.
Characters are discarded from play if their Willpower is ever 0.
Players cannot defeat this stage unless they have 5 victory points. If the players defeat this stage, they have won the game.
The first player gains control of Arwen Und贸miel, as an ally.
Response: After Arwen Und贸miel exhausts, choose a hero. Add 1 resource to that hero's resource pool.
If Arwen Und贸miel leaves play, the players are defeated.
Travel: Reshuffle all locations in the discard pile and victory display back into the encounter deck. If you reshuffled at least two locations, reduce each player's threat by 11 and discard all copies of Freezing Cold from play.
When Revealed: The first player (choose 1):
- removes all progress tokens from play
- reveals 2 cards from the encounter deck and adds them to the staging area
Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 for each progress token on the active location.
When Revealed: Exhaust each ready character and if it is the quest phase commit them to the quest.
Every now and again they heard a dull rumble, as a great boulder rolled down from hidden heights.
–The Fellowship of the Ring
Allies cannot defend while Snow Warg is attacking.
Forced: After a character is declared as a defender against Snow Warg, deal 1 damage to the defending character, if able.