Marauding Goblins have raided a woodman village on the eaves of Mirkwood forest. The Goblins killed the guards and took many of the villages captive. Those left behind beg you to rescue their loved ones.
Setup: Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of The Eaves of Mirkwood and Goblin Troop. Add The Eaves of Mirkwood to the staging area and set Goblin Troop aside, out of play. Shuffle of the encounter deck.
You swear an oath to the survivors that you will rescue the captured woodmen and bring justice to the Goblins who attacked them, then you enter Mirkwood forest to find their trail.

The Goblins' trail leads you deeper into the dark forest of Mirkwood. The enemy has a significant lead, but the sign of their passing is easy to follow. You may yet overtake them if you press on.
When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a Forest location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. This stage cannot be defeated unless at least 1 copy of Goblin Trail is in the vitory display.

When Revealed: The first player adds the set-aside Goblin Troop to the staging area. Each other player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a Goblin enemy and adds it to the staging area.
The Goblins are aware of your pursuit and form a rearguard to confront you while the others retreat to their secret hideaway. You must defeat this troop before you can continue your chanse.
This stage cannot be defeated while Goblin Troop is in play. When this stage is defeated, the heroes discover the trail to the Goblins' secret lair and the players win the game.

While it is engaged with you, Spiders of Mirkwood gets +1 for each exhausted character you control.

Shadow: Choose and exhaust 1 character you control. If this attack was undefended, also deal that character 2 damage.

Forced: After Gret Spider engages you, exhaust a character you control.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to an exhausted character you control.

While The Eaves of Mirkwood is the active location, encounter card effects cannot be canceled.
By the afternoon they had reached the eaves of Mirkwood, and were resting almost beneath the great overhanging boughs of its outer trees.
–The Hobbit

X is the number of locations in the staging area.
Travel: Each player must discard 1 random card from his hand to travel here.

Response: After you travel to Forest Gate the first player draws 2 cards.
Soon the light in the gate was like a little bright hole far behind, and the quiet was so deep that their feet seemed to thump along while the trees leaned over them and listened.
–The Hobbit

Quest Action: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Spider enemy and put it into play engaged with you to discard Spider Den. (Any player may trigger this effect.)

Travel: Reveal the top card of the encounter deck to travel here.
Response: When Goblin Trail leaves play as an explored location, place 6 progress on the current quest.

Response: After the players travel to Abandoned Camp, the first player discards the top card of their deck, If that card is any ally, put it into play under their control.
Travel: Discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is an enemy, add it to the staging area.

When Revealed: Each enemy and each location currently in the staging area gets +1 until the end of the phase. If there are no cards in the staging area, Driven by Shadow gains surge.

Shadow: Choose and discard 1 attachment from the defending character. (If this attack is undefended, discard all attachments you control.)

When Revealed: The player with the highest threat level attached this card to one of his heroes. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Attached hero does not ready during the refresh phase unless you pay 2 resources from that hero's pool.")

Cannot have attachments.
While Goblin Troop is engaged with you, each other Goblin enemy engaged with you gets +1 and +1

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2

During the encounter phase, players cannot optionally engage Goblin Sniper if there are other enemies in the staging area.
Forced: If Goblin Sniper is in the staging area at the end of the combat phase, each player deals 1 point of damage to 1 character he controls.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack immediately after this one. (Deal a new shadow card for that attack.)

When Revealed: Discard the top card of each player's deck. Until the end of the phase, increase Goblintown Savengers' by the total printed cost of all cards discarded in this way.

Forced: After Wild Wargs engages you, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is a Goblin enemy, put it into play engaged with you.
“Where the Warg howls, there the Orc prowls.”

When Revealed: Each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Goblin enemy and put it into play, engaged with him. Then, shuffle the encounter deck. (This effect cannot be canceled.)

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each Goblin enemy engaged with you.

When Revealed: Each player must choose: Either raise your threat by 1 for each questing character you control, or discard a questing character you control.

Shadow: If this attack is undefended, discard an ally you control.

When Revealed: Deal 2 damage to a character you control.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to a character you control.

Forced: After Stalking Goblin engages you, search the encounter deck, discard pile, and your collection (in that order) for a Goblin Sniper and add it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Shadow: Add Stalking Goblin to the staging area.

You are playing Campaign Mode.
Setup: Each player chooses 1 Adaptation boon attachment and attaches it to one of their heroes. Shuffle the Stalking Goblin burden enemy into the encounter deck. Add Stalking Goblin and each attached Adaptation to the Campaign Pool.
Forced: At the end of each round, place 1 resource token here.

Resolution: If there are 6 or more resource tokens here, the thought of the captured villagers suffering weighs heavily on you. Add the Guilty Conscience treachery burden to the Campaign Pool.
You have defeated the enemy rearguard, but the rest have escaped into the Mountains of Mirkwood with their prisoners. You must track the goblins to their hold if you are to fulfill your oath.