Setup: Set aside each of the 3 Across the Enttenmoors side quests and each of the 4 locations with the safe keyword. Reveal 1 of those side quests at random and 1 of those safe locations at random, adding them to the staging area with the safe location guarded by the side quest. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Savage Trollspawn per player and add them to the staging area. Shuffle the remaining side quests and safe locations back into the encounter deck. The first player gains control of Amarthiúl.
You have escaped from the prisons of Mount Gram, but you are not safe yet.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, if there are no encounter side quests in play, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a side quest is discarded, reveal it, and add it to the staging area.
Forced: When a side quest is defeated, place progress tokens on Into the Ettenmoors equal to that side quest's quest points.