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Return to Mirkwood

Adventure Pack MEC07 23 November 2011
Card List
Dáin Ironfoot(Hero)1 Dúnedain Signal(Attachment)3 Dawn Take You All(Event)3 Eagles of the Misty Mountains(Ally)3 Support of the Eagles(Attachment)3 West Road Traveller(Ally)3 Astonishing Speed(Event)3 Mirkwood Runner(Ally)3 Rumour from the Earth(Event)3 Shadow of the Past(Event)3
Player Cards28
Gollum(Objective-Ally)1 The Spiders' Ring(Location)4 Dry Watercourse(Location)3 Woodman's Glade(Location)3 Wood Elf Path(Location)3 Gollum's Anguish(Treachery)2 Gollum's Bite(Treachery)2 Wasted Provisions(Treachery)3 Mirkwood Bats(Enemy)4 Attercop, Attercop(Enemy)3
Encounter Cards28
Through the Forest(Quest)1 Escape Attempt(Quest)1 To the Elvin King's Halls(Quest)1 Ambush(Quest)1
Quest Cards4
Return to Mirkwood
Rules Sheet