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Results: 51 - 76 of 76 Cards
The Stone of Erech (x1)
30 5 6 3 9
Muerto viviente. Oathbreaker.

Spectral. Cannot have attachments.

While you are engaged with The Lord of the Dead, treat all printed text boxes on characters you control as if they were blank (except Traits.)

The Stone of Erech (x2)
27 2 4 1 5
Muerto viviente. Oathbreaker.


When Revealed: Players cannot play events until the end of the round.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (Dusk. +2 Attack instead. Midnight. +3Attack instead).

The Stone of Erech (x4)
12 2 3 0 2
Muerto viviente. Oathbreaker.


When Revealed: Return the topmost Undead enemy in the encounter discard pile to the staging area.

The Stone of Erech (x3)
35 2 2 2 4
Muerto viviente. Oathbreaker.


Dusk. Whisperer gets +1 Threat

Midnight. Whisperer gets +2 Threat and gains Doomed 2..

The Stone of Erech (x2)
42 3 4 1 6
Muerto viviente. Oathbreaker.


Dusk. Shadow Host Captain gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense

Midnight. Shadow Host Captain gets +2 Attack and +2 Defense

The Stone of Erech (x3)
23 1 2 1 3
Muerto viviente. Oathbreaker.

Spectral. Surge.

Shadow: Deal Attacking enemy 1 additional shadow card (Dusk. 2 additional cards instead. Midnight. 3 additional cards instead).

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x3)
50 3 4 2 8 9 
Muerto viviente.

Forced: After a character commit to an escape test, deal 1 damage to that character.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if attacking enemy is Undead.)

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x2)
40 4 3 2 5 7 
Muerto viviente. Tumulario.

Forced: After Marsh-wight engages a player, that player makes an escape test, dealing 3 cards from the encounter deck. If this test is failed, place 2 resources on Gollum and Marsh-wigth makes an immediate attack.

"But all foul, all rotting, all dead. A fell light is in them." –Frodo, The Two Towers

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x3)
30 1 5 2 3 6 
Espíritu. Muerto viviente.

Forced: After Lost Soul of L≤rien is destroyed, attach it to a hero with 1 or more Willpower, if able. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Limit 1 per hero. Attached hero's Willpower is reduced to 0.")

"Many faces proud and fair, and weeds in their silver hair."

-Frodo, The Two Towers

The Dead Marshes Nightmare (x3)
18 2 2 3 7 3 
Espíritu. Muerto viviente.

While Ill-fated Guard is engaged with a player, that player cannot commit more than 1 character to each escape test.

Shadow: Discard all attachments from each character you control with 3 or moreWillpower

The Three Trials Nightmare (x3)
30 2 5 1 6 6 
Muerto viviente. Espíritu. Wolf.

If Wolf's Guardian is in play or in the victory display, each Wolf enemy gets +1 Attack

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, Wolf engages the player who controls Key of the Wolf or is engaged with Wolf's Guardian if able.

The Three Trials Nightmare (x3)
20 1 4 2 5 1 
Muerto viviente. Espíritu. Boar.

If Boar's Guardian is in play or in the victory display, each Boar enemy gets +1 Defense

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, Boar engages the player who controls Key of the Boar or is engaged with Boar's Guardian if able.

The Three Trials Nightmare (x3)
40 3 3 3 4 6 
Muerto viviente. Espíritu. Raven.

If Raven's Guardian is in play or in the victory display, each Raven enemy gets +1 Threat

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, Raven engages the player who controls Key of the Raven or is engaged with Raven's Guardian if able.

Deadmen's Dike Nightmare (x2)
34 4 6 3 8
Muerto viviente.

Cannot have attachments.

For each excess point of combat damage deal by Undead Horde (damage that is dealt beyond the remaining hit points of the character damaged by its attack) you must discard 1 card from the top of your deck.

Deadmen's Dike Nightmare (x2)
27 1 3 1 2
Muerto viviente.

When Revealed: Put each copy of Cursed Dead in the discard pile into play in the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if there is a copy of the defending character in its owner's discard pile.

The Treachery of Rhudaur Nightmare (x2)
16 2 2 1 6 2 
Muerto viviente.

Forced: When Thaurdir's Hunter attacks, either remove 1 time counter from the main quest, or treat this attack as undefended.

Shadow: If this attack is undefended, either remove 1 time counter or 5 progress from a quest.

The Treachery of Rhudaur Nightmare (x2)
1 2 2 2 2 1 
Muerto viviente.

Indestructible. Surge.

Shadow: Put Undead Thrall into play engaged with the defending player and deal it a shadow card.

The Treachery of Rhudaur Nightmare (x3)
38 5 2 2 12 3 
Muerto viviente.

While you are engaged with Apostate of Angmar, you cannot attack Thaurdir.

Shadow: Discard the top card of the encounter deck. Attacking enemy gets +XAttack where X is that card's printed threat.

The Battle of Carn Dûm Nightmare (x3)
30 2 3 2 4 2 
Orco. Muerto viviente.

Forced: After Orc Wight enters play, deal it 2 shadow cards.

Shadow: If attacking enemy has at least 1 other shadow card currently dealt to it, return it to the staging area after this attack.

The Dread Realm Nightmare (x2)
36 4 2 4 10 2 
Muerto viviente.

While you are engaged with Silent Guardian it gains:"Forced: The first time you play an event card each round, instead of discarding that card after playing it, reanimate it."

The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x2)
41 4 6 4 10 9 
Muerto viviente.

Forced: After attackers are declared during an attack against Guardian of the Golden King, look at the bottom card of the first player's deck. Choose and remove characters from the attack until only X or fewer characters are attacking, where X is the looked-at-card's printed cost (those characters do not ready).

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x2)
23 4 4 4 6 1 
Muerto viviente.

Forced: After King's Knight attacks, if no damage was dealt by its attack, return it to the staging area.

Shadow: If no damage is dealt by this attack, return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x3)
28 3 3 3 4 9 
Muerto viviente.

While the active location is in the top rown, Cursed Soldier gets +3Threat

While the active location is in the middle row, Cursed Soldier gets +3Attack

While the active location is in the bottom row, Cursed Soldier gets +3Defense

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x4)
26 2 3 2 3 9 
Muerto viviente.

When Revealed: If the active location is Underwater return each other Submerged Dead in the encounter discard pule to the staging area.

Shadow: If the active location is Underwater put Submerged Dead into play in the staging area.

The Passage of the Marshes Nightmare (x3)
30 2 4 3 5
Muerto viviente.

The engaged player cannot reduce his threat.

Forced: When Pale Faces attacks, raise your threat by 4.

Shadow: Attacking enemy get +XAttack where X is the Mire X value of the active location.

The Passage of the Marshes Nightmare (x3)
34 4 6 3 8
Muerto viviente.

Cannot have attachments.

The engaged player cannot reduce his threat.

Forced: After Rotting Thing attacks and destroys a character, place 1 mire token on the active location for each excess point of damage.