Forced: After The Barracks becomes the active location, add the enemy under it to the staging area. That enemy cannot take damage this round.
Forced: When The Baracks is explored, the first player gains control of the objective ally it was guarding.

Forced: After Slave Quarters becomes the active location, the enemy under it engages the first player and makes an immediate attack.
Forced: When Slave Quarters is explored, the first player gains control of the objective ally it was guarding.

Forced: After The Storehouse becomes the active location, add the enemy under it to the staging area. That enemy gets +3 and -30 engagement cost until the end of the round.
Forced: When The Storehouse is explored, the first player gains control of the objective ally it was guarding.

Immune to player card effects.
Response: After Edrahil quests successfully, choose a player to draw 1 card.
If Edrahil leaves play, the players lose the game.

Immune to player card effects.
Response: After Arador is declared as a defender, ready him. (Limit once per round.)
If Arador leaves play, the players lose the game.

Immune to player card effects.
Response: After Farin is declared as an attacker against an enemy, deal 1 damage to an enemy engaged with a player.
If Farin leaves play, the players lose the game.

When Revealed: Assign X damage among characters in play. X is the current archery total.

Shadow: Defending character cannot ready this round.

While the number of Camp locations in the staging area is less than the number of players, Nurn Slavers gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each Camp location in the victory display.

While Working Fields is in the staging area, characters cannot be healed.
Travel: Each player deals 1 damage to a character he controls.
Neither he nor Frodo knew anything of the great slave–worked fields away south in this wide realm...
–The Return of the King

While Watch Tower is in the staging area, it gains archery X.
X is 1 more than the number of Captive objective allies the players control.
Travel: Reveal the top card of the encounter deck.

When Revealed: Each player deals 1 damage to a character he controls. Then, each player must choose: either deal 1 damage to each damaged character you control, or raise your threat by 1 for each damaged character you control.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 until the end of the phase.

You've decided to risk everything to rescue Ulchor's captives from slavery.
Setup: Add each Camp location to the staging area. Attach a random Captive objective-ally to each Camp location as a guarded objective. Place 1 random Warden enemy faceup (but not in play) under each Camp location. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X locations are discarded, where X is 1 less than the number of players. Add each location discarded this way to the staging area.
Each Camp location is immune to player card effects, and player cannot travel there while a Warden enemy is in play.
Forced: At the end of the round, raise each player's threat by 1 for each Camp location in the staging area.
This stage cannot be defeated unless players control all 3 Captive objective-allies.

You've freed Ulchor's slaves, but his lieutenants are advancing with a garrison to recapture them. You must lead the prisoners in a desperate fight to win their freedom.
When Revealed: The first player returns each Warden enemy in the victory display to the staging area. Each other player discards cards from the top of the encounter deck until he discards an enemy and adds that enemy to the staging area.
This stage gets +10 quest points per player.
Forced: After a player commits characters to the quest, if he is not engaged with a Warden enemy he must reveal an encounter card.
This stage cannot be defeated while a Warden enemy is in play. When this stage is defeated, the players win the game.