Forced: After Gret Spider engages you, exhaust a character you control.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to an exhausted character you control.

Cannot have attachments.
While Goblin Troop is engaged with you, each other Goblin enemy engaged with you gets +1 and +1

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2

During the encounter phase, players cannot optionally engage Goblin Sniper if there are other enemies in the staging area.
Forced: If Goblin Sniper is in the staging area at the end of the combat phase, each player deals 1 point of damage to 1 character he controls.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack immediately after this one. (Deal a new shadow card for that attack.)

When Revealed: Discard the top card of each player's deck. Until the end of the phase, increase Goblintown Savengers' by the total printed cost of all cards discarded in this way.

X is the stage number of the quest.
Cannot take damage. Cannot have attachments.
Forced: After Goblin Chieftain attacks, either remove X progress from the quest, or return it to the staging area.

Cannot have attachments.
For each point of excess combat damage dealt by Great Cave-troll (damage that is dealt beyond the remaining hit points of the character damaged by its attack) remove 1 progress from the current quest.

Response: When Cavern Warg attacks you, exhaust Cave Torch to cancel the attack and return Cavern Warg to the staging area.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

When Revealed: Discard the top card of each player's deck. Until the end of the phase, increase Goblintown Scavenger's by the total printed cost of all cards discarded in this way.

Forced: If Muck Adder damages a character, discard that character from play.

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 for the duration of this attack.

Forced: Remove 2 damage from Giant Marsh Worm at the end of each round.
Escape: 2
"No birds here. There are snakeses, wormses, things in the pools. Lot of things, lots of nasty things."
–Gollum, The Two Towers

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, Attercop, Attercop automatically engages the player guarding Gollum, regardless of his threat.
"Attercop! Attercop! Won't you stop..."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Forced: Before Patrol Leader is dealt damage, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If the discarded card is an enemy, cancel that damage.

Shadow: Cancel all damage dealt to this enemy.

When Revealed: Reveal 1 card from the encounter deck and add it to the staging area.

Immune to player card effects.
The Nameless Fear cannot engage or be engaged.
X is the number of victory points in the victory display.

When Revealed: Chieftain of the Pit gets +3 until the end of the round.

Shadow: attacking enemy attacks again after this attack. Deal it another shadow card for the next attack.

Goblin Spearman gets +2 if its attack is undefended.

Shadow: Add Goblin Spearman to the staging area.

When Revealed: Goblin Follower engages the last player.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if attacking the last player.)

While Orc Drummer is in the staging area, each enemy gets +X . X is the number of players in the game.

X is the number of players in the game.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +X . X is the number of players in the game.

When Revealed: The first player must choose and discard an attachment from a questing character, if able.

Shadow: If this attack is undefended, deal 2 additional shadow cards to attacking enemy.

If Mountain Warg is dealt a shadow card with no effect, return Mountain Warg to the staging area after it attacks.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if a Mountain is the active location.)

Each player with a threat of 25 or higher cannot optionally engage Goblin Scout.

Goblin Swordsman gets +2 if its attack is undefended.

Shadow: Add Goblin Swordsman to the staging area.

Allies cannot defend while Snow Warg is attacking.
Forced: After a character is declared as a defender against Snow Warg, deal 1 damage to the defending character, if able.

Ambush (After this enemy enters play, each player makes an engagement check against it.)
Forced: After Orc Raiders engages a player, that player discards 2 attachments he controls, if able.

Regenerate 2. While there is another Tentacle enemy in play, The Watcher cannot be optionally engaged.
If The Watcher is in the staging area at the end of the combat phase, each player must deal 3 damage to 1 character he controls.

Forced: When Thrashing Tentacle is attacked, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card has a shadow effect or is a Tentacle enemy, deal the damage from the attack to 1 character an attacking player controls (ignoring defense).

Forced: When Striking Tentacle attacks, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card has a shadow effect or is a Tentacle enemy, this attack is considered undefended.

When Revealed: The first player draws 1 card. Then, that player must choose and discard 4 cards from his hand, if able.
Forced: After Cave Spider engages a player, that player must choose and discard 1 card from his hand, if able.

Forced: After Goblin Sneak engages a player, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If it is a treachery card, Goblin Sneak engages the next player, if able.

Shadow: Add Goblin Sneak to the staging area.

Lost: Each player must choose and discard 1 ally he controls from play, if able.

Shadow: Trigger all "Lost:" effects in play.