While Fen of Reeds is in the staging area, it gains:
Forced: After the players advance to a quest stage, each player must exhaust a character he controls.
Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each time counter on the quest.
Response: After Hidden Eyot leaves play as an explored location, place 2 time counters on the current quest.
Travel: Each player must exhaust a character he controls to travel here.
While Sinking Bog is in the staging area, each character gets -1 -1 and -1 for each Item attached to it. This ability does not stack with other copies of Sinking Bog.
Shadow: Defending character gets -1 for this attack for each attachment attached to it.
While Desolate Meadow is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: After any number of time counters are removed from the current quest, heal 2 damage on each Creature enemy in play."
Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, remove all progress from the current quest.
While Peat Bog is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: After the players advance to a quest stage, each player discards 1 random card from his hand."
Dead grasses and rotting reeds loomed up in the mists like ragged shadows of long–forgotten summers.
–The Two Towers