The servants of Sauron perform ritual sacrifice to invoke the power of Mordor.
Forced: At the end of the round, place 1 damage token here. Then, if there are 4 or more damage tokens here, remove 4 of them and reveal the top card of the Power of Mordor deck. If you cannot, the player lose the game.
This stage cannot be the active quest while Thane Ulchor has any hit points remaining. When this stage is defeated, the players win the game.

Indestructible. Immune to player card effects.
X is 1 more than the number of quest stages in the victory display. Cannot be engaged unless X is equal to 5.
Forced: When Thane Ulchor attacks and destroys a character, place 1 damage token on Tribute to Mordor.

Forced: When Temple of Sauron leaves play, place 1 damage token on Tribute to Mordor.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each quest stage in the victory display.

X is 1 more than the number of quest stages in the victory display.
Forced: When Hall of Horrors leaves play, each player deals X damage to a character he controls.
...they had worshipped Sauron in the Dark Years.
–The Return of the King

When Revealed: Place 1 damage token on Tribute to Mordor. Then, either place 1 additional damage token on Tribute to Mordor or Place of Evil gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, place 1 damage token on Tribute to Mordor.

Your search for the missing Dorwinions has led you up the mountains of Rh–n. There you discover the remains of an ancient temple built to honor Sauron during the dark years of Middle–earth.
Setup: Shuffle each of the stage 2 quest cards together and place them facedown under this stage. Create The Power of Mordor deck (see insert) and set it next to the quest deck. Add Thane Ulchor and Tribute to Mordor to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
The journey to reach this place has been difficult and you take a moment to prepare yourself before entering the dark temple.
Skip the quest phase.
Forced: At the end of the planning phase, place 1 resource token here. Then, if there are 2 resource tokens here, add this stage to the victory display and advance to the topmost stage 2A.

Rows of iron–barred cells line both sides of a dark dungeon built beneath the old temple. You shudder to think what horrible fate befell the captives that were held here in years past as you continue to search for the missing Dorwinions.
When Revealed: Reveal 1 encounter card per player.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, each player deals 1 damage to a hero he controls and exhausts that hero. That hero cannot ready or be healed until the refresh phase.
While there are 4 quest stages in the victory display, progress cannot be placed here.

All about you are the cruel trappings of Mordor: evidence of torture and death callously strewn about the cavern floor. You search among the bones and debris for fresh signs of those you seek.
When Revealed: Reveal 1 encounter card per player.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, discard X cards from the top of the encounter deck, where X is 1 more than the number of quest stages in the victory display. Add 2 to the total in the staging area for each different card type discarded this way.
While there are 4 quest stages in the victory display, progress cannot be place here.

A blood–stained altar to the Dark Lord of Mordor looks to have been used recently. Though the carved stone is ancient, the blood and cloth you find on it are fresh. You search about frantically to find the captive Dorwinions before more are slaughtered.
When Revealed: Reveal 1 encounter card per player.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, each player discards the top X cards of his deck, where X is 1 more than the number of quest stages in the victory display. Each player examines the cards he controls and the cards in his hand. If any of these cards are copies of the cards he just discarded from the top of his deck, he must discard those copies as well.
While there are 4 quest stages in the victory display, progress cannot be placed here.

At the center of a large temple room is a hideous state of Sauron seated upon an iron throne. It is a terrible reminder of the darkness that awaits Middle–earth should you fail in your vigilance.
When Revealed: Reveal 1 encounter card per player.
This stage gets +4 quest points per player.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, each player discards 1 card from his hand. Until the end of the round, no more than X progress can be placed on this stage. X is the total cost of each card discarded by this effect.
While there are 4 quest stages in the victory display, progress cannot be placed here.