The loss of Iârion at the hands of the wraith weighs upon you and your companions, sapping your resolve and making you question every decision you make in your pursuit. Yet if you give in, there will surely be no rescue for him from the foul sorcery of Angmar...
Each event card gains doomed 1.
Forced: When Fend Off Despair is defeated, mark in the Campaign Log that each player's starting threat by 2. (This reduction is cumulative.)

Loot the Dungeons is considered to be in each player's staging area and gets +4 quest points for each player in the game at every staging area.
Forced: When Loot the Dungeons is defeated, each player (at every staging area) may choose one of the following boons and add it to their hand: Berelind, Chieftain's Brooch, Coruhaer, Laermuin, Mail of Eärnur, or Silverthorn. Add the chosen cards to the Campaign Pool.

Boarding 2. Cannot have player attachments.
When the Stormcaller advances to the next quest stage, return it so the Stormcaller's area.
If the Stormcaller leaves play, the players win the game.

Immune to player card effects. Cannot be engaged.
The Thing in the Depths gets +3 hit points per player.
Forced: When a Creature enemy is destroyed, deal damage to The Thing in the Depths equal to that enemy's

No more than 3 progress tokens can be placed on the current quest each round.
While Orc Rearguard is the current quest it gains:
Forced: At the end of the staging step, reveal 1 card from the encounter deck.
Some of the Orcs have broken from the war party to hinder your pursuit. Until you deal with them, it will be difficult to continue your chase...

When Revealed: The first player loses control of Iârion and places him facedown underneath this stage. When this stage is defeated, the first player takes control of Iârion and exhausts him.
Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, discard Iârion.
While scouting ahead, Iârion is ambushed by several Orcs. The Ranger is knoced unconscious and dragged away by the Orcs. You must rescue him!

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this quest cards, each player deals 4 damage to a hero he controls. Then, place 4 time counters on this quest card.
The weather is growing steadily worse, and black clouds loom on the horizon. You must find a safe place to shelter or be caught in the storm...

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, each player discards the top X cards of his deck, where X is the number of Undead enemies engaged with him.
The more you struggle against the undead, the deeper you are drawn into the wraith–world. You must escape before madness or despair takes you...

Each Orc enemy gets +1 +1
and +1
When Revealed: Each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Orc enemy and put it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Several Orcs spring upon you from their hiding place! Their surprise attack puts you on the defensive. You must fight to gain the upper hand.

You've lost your way in the vastness of Arnor. You must search around until you find your trail again.
When Revealed: Each player places all cards in his hand facedown underneath Lost in the Wilderness.
Forced: When Lost in the Wilderness is defeated, return each card underneath it to its owner's hand.

Characters cannot be healed.
Response: After Make Camp is defeated, each player heals up to 3 damage from a hero he controls.
Your companions are exhausted from tireless effort, but you must find a safe place to make camp before you can tend to their needs.

Your enemies lurk somewhere in the decrepit ruins around you: a constant threat until you search them out...
Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, raise each player's threat by 2.
Response: After Search the Ruins is defeated, reduce each player's threat by 3.

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, discard the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Return the topmost Undead enemy in the encounter discard pile to the staging area.
The undead keep rising from the grave. For each one that you strike down, another takes its place. You must do something to stem the tide...

Cards in each player's discard pile cannot leave that player's discard pile by player card effect.
Forced: After this stage is defeated, each player shuffles the top 5 cards of his discard pile back into his deck.
You must uncover the source of this evil that sets its will against yours.

Forced: When the last time counter is removed from this quest, discard its captured cards and remove this quest from the game. Then, raise each player's threat by 3 for each of his characters that was discarded by this effect.
Several of your captured companions are being sent to the executioner's block. If you make it in time, you might be able to save them before they are slain!

Forced: At the end of the quest phase, if no progress was placed on Lie Low this round, each enemy gets -20 engagement cost until the end of the round.
Response: After this stage is defeated, choose an enemy in the staging area and shuffle it into the encounter deck.
Trolls and Giants have been pursuing you since your arrival in these moors. Your company must cover their tracks so the vile creatures do not follow.

Forced: After 1 or more resources are spent from a hero's resource pool, deal 1 damage to that hero.
Response: After this stage is defeated, heal 1 damage from each hero.
What little rations you managed to recover after your imprisonment have run dry. If the Trolls or the cold doesn't kill you, starvation surely will. There must be some food to find in these barren hills.

The cost to play each player card is increased by 1.
Forced: When this stage is defeated, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Troll enemy and put it into play engaged with the player with the highest threat. Each player may play a card from his hand, at no cost.
You risk drawing the attention of nearby Trolls by venturing into their lair. Perhaps inside you can find supplies to help you get back to Rivendell...

With reckless abandon, your company makes a mad dash for the gates!
Forced: When at least 1 progress is placed on Furious Charge, each character gets -2 until the end of the round. If Thaurdir is Captain side faceup, flip him.
Response: After Furious Charge is defeated, add 10 progress to the main quest.

Cannot have attachments.
Daechanar gets +1 for each Sorcery card in play, and gains indestructible while at least 1 Sorcery card is in play.
Forced: When Daechanar is damaged, if there is at least 1 Sorcery card in play, cancel all damage just dealt and remove a Sorcery card from the game.

Immune to player card effects. Cannot be engaged.
The Thing in the Depths gets +3 hit points per player.
Forced: When a Creature enemy is destroyed, deal damage to The Thing in the Depths equal to that enemy's

Boarding 1. Cannot have attachments.
Forced: At the end of the round, if the Stormcaller is engaged with a player, either return it to the staging area or shift your heading off-course.

You must find a cool place to rest, out of the sun's burning gaze...
Forced: At the end of the round, remove X progress from the main quest. X is the tens digit of the temperature.
Response: When Seek Shade is defeated, reduce the temperature by 10.

When Revealed: Discard cards from the encounter deck until a Harad enemy is discarded. Add that enemy to the staging area and place a resource token on it. That enemy is "the Champion." While this stage is in play, the Champion gets +2 +2
and gains: Immune to player card effects. The main quest stage cannot be defeated while the Champion is in play."
The champion cannot take damage unless there are at least 4 progress tokens here. This stage cannot be defeated while the champion is in play.

Alone in a hostile land, cut off from help, you struggle to find your bearings...
Each player cannot have more than 5 cards in his hand. (If you have more than 5, immediately choose and discard cards from hand until you have only 5.)
Response: When this stage is defeated, each player draws a card.

Your companions grow weary from thirst. They need water to drink.
Characters cannot be readied by player card effects.
Response: When this stage is defeated, each player readies 1 hero he controls.

Some of your companions have been poisoned! They need a remedy to counteract the venom.
Treat the printed text box of each damaged character as if it were blank (except for Traits).
Response: When this is defeated, heal 1 damage from each character in play.

The Uruks of Mordor attack with a savagery that is difficult to match.
Each Orc enemy in the staging area gets -5 engagement cost.
Each Orc enemy engaged with a player gets +1

The great apes of the jungle gather in the trees around you. They shadow your steps and slow your progress.
Each location gets +1
Forced: When Guardians of the Jungle becomes the current quest, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Territorial Ape and put it into play engaged with the first player.

You've lost your way underground. You must retrace your steps to get on track.
When Revealed: Flip the Search objective to Off Track. While Lost Underground is in play, the Search objective cannot flip. (Do not resolve the Track keyword.)
Response: When this stage is defeated, flip the Search objective to On Track and ignore its Forced effect until the end of the phase.

Some of the Serpent's men are trying to flee on horseback. If you don't act quickly they could escape and bring news to Cirith Gurat.
Forced: At the end of the round, discard all progress from the main quest.
Forced: After this quest is chosen as the current quest, reveal an encounter card.

Orcs spring from a secret passage and pull your friends inside!
When Revealed: Each player loses control of an ally he controls and attaches it to this stage. If no allies are attached to this stage, discard it and reveal an additional encounter card.
Forced: When this stage is defeated, each player reduces his threat by X, where X is the cost of the ally he controls that was attached to this stage.

The path through the hills has led too far up, and now you walk along exposed heights where there's nowhere to hide. You need to find a way down.
Each player's threat cannot be reduced.
Response: When Find a Way Down is defeated, each player reduces his threat by 3.

Dagnir's assault is relentless and the people of Hrogar's Hill need time to regroup. Someone mst draw the Dragon's attention away from the town.
Shadow cards dealt to Dagnir are immune to player card effects and their effects cannot be canceled.
Forced: After Draw Her Fire becomes the current quest, Dagnir makes an immediate attack against the first player.

Hrogar's Hill was built to defend against Goblins and forest creatures; no one ever imagined a Dragon attack. You hurry to organize a proper defense.
Characters do not count their when defending against Dagnir.
Response: When Fortify the is defeated, each player chooses: either draw 3 cards, or each hero he controls gains 1 resource.

The men of Hrogar's Hill are strong and brave, but Dagnir's mere presence weakens the resolve of even the mightiest warrior. The Woodmen need strong leadership to hold together.
Allies cannot be declared as attackers against Dagnir.
Response: When Rally the Woodmen is defeated, each player searches the top 5 cards of his deck for an ally, puts it into play and shuffles his deck.

Dagnir's fire spread from the outer wall to the nearby rooftops. If you don't put them out quickly, Hrogar's Hill will burn.
Forced: At the end of the quest phase, deal 5 damage to Hrogar's Hill.
Response: When Douse the Flames is defeated, remove 10 damage from Hrogar's Hill.

The enraged Dagnir batters the gate to Hrogar's Hill and mighty doors of oak crack and split. You call for sturdy beams to brace the gate while you lean desperately against the doors.
Each player's threat cannot be reduced.
Response: When Hold the Door is defeated, reduce each player's threat by 5.

The Goblins of Mount Gundabad follow Dagnir in her assault on Hrogar's Hill. Their attacks spread the defense thin across the outer wall.
While Defend the Town is the current quest, reveal an additional encounter card during the quest phase.
Forced: At the end of the encounter phase, deal 1 damage to Hrogar's Hill for each enemy in the staging area.

Goblins stream across the draw–bridge toward Hrogar's Gate. They cannot be allowed into the town!
Rout the Goblins gets +5 quest points for each Goblin enemy in play.
When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a different Goblin enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Arrows and spears bounce off Dagnir's armored hide like raindrops. Nothing seems to slow her assault. Perhaps if you cold strike at her underbelly you wold find a way to injure the Dragon.
Forced: After Dagnir attacks and destroys a character, heal 5 damage from her.
Forced: After Face the Dragon is defeated, deal 5 damage to Dagnir.

The Easterlings are fearless warriors, but a stern defense may dissuade them.
When Revealed: After an Easterling enemy enters play, attach the top Easterling treachery in the discard pile to that enemy.
Forced: After Warriors of the East becomes the current quest, the highest Easterling enemy in the staging area attacks the first player.

The lonely plains appear to stretch endlessly in each direction, and you tire just from looking at them.
Each player cannot ready more than 6 characters he controls during the refresh phase.
Response: When this stage is defeated, each player may ready a hero he controls.

The shadow of Mordor is on the servants of the Enemy, and they inspire fear in your companions. Only a stout heart can stand against them.
Forced: After an enemy engages a player, that player raises his threat by 1.
Response: When Shadow of Fear is defeated, reduce each player's threat by 3.

The longer you wander the streets, the more unwanted attention you attract.
Each location in the staging area gets +1
Forced: After Unwelcome Travelers becomes the current quest, the first player discards cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded and puts it into play engaged with him.

The servants of Sauron perform ritual sacrifice to invoke the power of Mordor.
Forced: At the end of the round, place 1 damage token here. Then, if there are 4 or more damage tokens here, remove 4 of them and reveal the top card of the Power of Mordor deck. If you cannot, the player lose the game.
This stage cannot be the active quest while Thane Ulchor has any hit points remaining. When this stage is defeated, the players win the game.

It's nearly impossible to find your way through this maze of dark tunnels.
When Revealed: Each player places the top 10 cards of his deck facedown under his threat dial (without looking at them). When this stage is defeated, each player shuffles all cards under his threat dial back into his deck.
Forced: After a player raises his threat by any amount, he discards the top card from under his threat dial.

Your search for the missing Dorwinions has led you up the mountains of Rh–n. There you discover the remains of an ancient temple built to honor Sauron during the dark years of Middle–earth.
Setup: Shuffle each of the stage 2 quest cards together and place them facedown under this stage. Create The Power of Mordor deck (see insert) and set it next to the quest deck. Add Thane Ulchor and Tribute to Mordor to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
The journey to reach this place has been difficult and you take a moment to prepare yourself before entering the dark temple.
Skip the quest phase.
Forced: At the end of the planning phase, place 1 resource token here. Then, if there are 2 resource tokens here, add this stage to the victory display and advance to the topmost stage 2A.

Too many Easterlings have noted your presence in their city. Now you must throw them off your trail if you are to continue your pursuit of Ulchor unnoticed.
Each enemy in the staging area gets -10 engagement cost.
Response: After Cat and Mouse is defeated, each player may discard a non-unique enemy engaged with him.

The tunnels under the Ash Mountains are a vast, dark maze.
During the travel phase, the players must travel to a location, if able.
Forced: When the active location is explored, place 1 resource here.
Progress cannot be placed on this quest unless there are at least 3 resources here.